Eid [Dreadnaut] (50 Questions)



1. Where do you currently reside? Is there a reason you chose this place in particular?
I reside in Abbadon's house with him and Micah. There's really no reason, I just find it comfortable there.
2. How long have you been on the surface?
For a while now, I didn't keep track.
3. What made you first decide to come to the surface?
I got curious about what happens here. I also found a certain small creature to be interesting.
4. Do you have a favourite place on the surface? Why or why not?
I don't really have a favourite. I don't mind where I go as long as it isn't troublesome.
5. What is your favourite type of land weather? Do you have a favourite season?
I like rainy nights, especially when I'm indoors. It reminds me of the faint rain hitting the ocean surface.
6. How did you adjust/are you adjusting to life on the surface? Do you consider it difficult or easy?
I'm adjusting quickly, but there's always something new to learn about. Technology specifically is very difficult. I'd rather write.
7. Would you ever return to the ocean? Why or why not?
I would to get the same feeling of the ocean floor, but otherwise, I don't see an urgent reason to go back.
8. How are your interactions with surface dwellers? Positive, negative, or do you never interact with them to begin with?
From my view, I'd say our interactions are neutral. Maybe they're cautious of my hook, though.
9. Do you have many non-Dreadnaut friends?
I've made a few acquaintances, but no one I'm very close with.
10. In the same vein, do you have many Dreadnaut friends?
Aside from my partners, I've gotten along with an acquaintance, Kimon, quite well.
11. Are you in a relationship? if so, is your partner a fellow Dreadnaut?
Yes I am. Their names are Abbadon and Micah. I've mentioned them already.
12. What is the public opinion on Dreadnauts like at your place of residence?
Thankfully, they seem neutral about us.
13. If you could tell everyone on earth one thing about Dreadnauts, what would it be?
We're really just here to exist, nothing more. In my opinion, anyway.
14. If you could change one thing about the surface, what would it be?
How people treat each other. It's too much of a bother seeing arguments all the time.
15. Do you have a job? If not, do you want one? If yes, did you choose the job? If so, why?
I mostly just assist Abbadon and Micah with whatever they do. They both have roles much higher than mine, but I don't really mind.
16. What are your favourites things to do on land?
Mostly just explore wherever I feel like going. Also, sleeping here is a lot comfier.
17. Do you have a favourite aspect of land culture? Media, activities, etc?
I don't pay much attention to media culture, there's too much to keep up with. The music here is nice, though.
18. Do you enjoy land food?
I find it more pleasant than underwater, at least.
19. What's the best thing you've ever eaten on land and where/when did you eat it?
Anything easy to eat with your hands... er, hand, in my case. I liked... Quesedillas. Very easy.
20. What's the worst thing you've ever eaten on land and where/when did you eat it?
Anything sour, specifically those hard, sour-coated candies.
21. What's your palate like? Do you favour certain tastes such as sweet, salty, etc?
I often eat spicy foods.
22. How do you feel about cooking?
I like it. It's a little hard at first with only one hand available, but I find it interesting.
23. Crêpes or waffles?
Waffles. Less sweet.
24. What's your favourite genre?
I'm not sure what the word is... But genres that make you feel relief and sadness at the same time.
25. Do you have a favourite movie or tv show?
None come to mind.
26. Do you enjoy reading? If so, what do you like to read?
I read sometimes in my free-time. I don't need anything extreme or too loose-ended, just simple plots with a solid ending.
27. Do you have a favourite fairytale? if so, why is it your favourite?
I don't have a favourite, I only hear about them occasionally.
28. Do you like music? If so, what kind do you like?
I like calm music. The kind of music that makes you feel nice inside, but it seems those songs usually have lyrics with a sadder meaning.
29. What is your first language and how many languages can you speak? Which ones? How/why did you learn them?
I first learned English, as it seems it's common on the surface. I've been interested in learning German, though I don't know where to start or exactly why.
30. What animal are you mimicking? Did you choose this animal for a specific reason?
I'm mimicking a rabbit. I saw one when I first looked around the surface, and for a brief moment it looked at me. It was nice.
31. On the topic of animals, how do you feel about animals on the surface? do you like them? Do you have a favourite?
I like animals here, they all seem very kind. I like rabbits.
32. Do you have any pets? if so, what made you decide to get one? What's their name?
I don't have any.
33. How do you dress yourself? What kind of style are you interested in?
I'm interested in more muted tones, garments that don't make me stand out too much. This hook seemed to startle people on the surface, so I found something to generally cover it a bit.
34. How often do you tend to your appearance? Frequent upkeep or couldn't care less?
As long as everything matches, it's fine to me.
35. Can you drive?
I've wanted to try, but I can't do it well. I'm sure you can figure out why.
36. How do you feel about vehicles? Cars, public transport, etc.
I don't mind them really. I'd rather not go on public transport if it's too crowded though, I don't want to injure anyone.
37. Do you travel far from home often? If so, where have you been? Is there anywhere you would like to go?
I haven't travelled much yet. The most I've been around is still just in the same country, just a few day trips.
38. If you've ever gotten sick, what was it like the very first time? How did you react?
After I got sick the first time, I swore I'd watch on myself a lot more intently. While I still like to stay in my room, maybe this form requires sunlight more than I thought.
39. Do you have a best friend? if so, who are they? when and how did you first meet?
I don't really have "best" friends. I don't see the need to pick favourites, having the company at all is already nice.
40. If you have any family, what are they like?
From what I know, I have no one closely related.
41. What's the best thing that's happened to you on the surface?
I'd hate to admit it to his face, but meeting Abbadon changed my life.
42. What's the worst thing that's happened to you on the surface?
Accidentally scaring a group of people when I first made it to the city. I'm sure my... attire wasn't the best.
43. What's your biggest fear?
Returning to the ocean and never being able to return.
44. Do you have any aspirations?
To explore and learn. Maybe find more about myself.
45. Do you prefer a hard or soft mattress?
I'd prefer a soft mattress. It's a lot nicer than the rocky ocean floor.
46. Warm lighting or cool lighting?
Warm lighting.
47. Would you ever want to be famous? Why or why not? If you already are, how do you feel about it? How do others feel about a famous Dreadnaut?
I don't want to be famous. I just want to be able to exist and learn on my own terms, not to be known for what I do.
48. Do you prefer to buy cheap tools multiple times or invest in expensive tools once?
To me, it depends how you start out. When I came to the surface, the first choise would be the obvious pick. Maybe in the future, spending more for the sake of longtime is better, but I have yet to figure this out.
49. How are you with technology? Do you find it difficult or easy to use?
It's very difficult, especially learning everything with one hand. Such things as hotkeys, touch screens, and coordinating all that with just one hand available... Mmm.
50. Do you eat seafood?