
what payment options and how much :00

I'm working on my prices rn but I accept points and PayPal! Thank you for your interest!!!

Oh and roblox giftcards bahah


would you take thru gamepass or is it strictly thru card?  if not thru gamepass then thats fine , im confused on the chibi prices , are they $3 for the first option?

I'd have to set up gamepass, which I haven't done yet, so card for now. And yeah, just $3!


could i comm yous for one of https://toyhou.se/15311526.rex or https://toyhou.se/19448642.spike (sorrys if spikes a humanoid or somethins , im not so sure of whats humanoid and what isnt , but spike is a doggy as of what i know :3)

Chibi headshots, I'm assuming? What payment method^^

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