Renee Dreyar



1 year, 1 month ago


Renee Dreyar

Alias/Nickname(s): Nene (Neh-nay) (Natsu refers to Renee as Nene because when Natsu first met her when they were kids, he had a hard time pronouncing her name correctly and so it just stuck as a nickname. Sometimes Happy will call her that too but not as often as Natsu), Pipsqueak (usually Laxus or Bickslow)

Age: 17

Height: 5'1''

Weight: 120 lbs.

Hair Color: Raven Black, has a little bit of blue in it 

Eye Color: Sapphire Blue

Race: Human

Blood Type: O

Birthplace: Edolas

Professional Status

Affiliation: Fairy Tail 

Team: Raijinshuu, then Team Edolas, Renee sorta joins other teams for random missions as after the Edolas arc, she doesn’t really have a specific team she travels with. Although she mostly joins in with Laxus or Team Natsu or usually goes solo as Renee likes to take multiple job requests at a time.

Guild Mark Color: Cyan

Mark Location: Left Shoulder



Renee is usually kind and loyal to her comrades. Like most in Fairy Tail, she has a little bit of a short fuse, can be very stubborn,and has a slight bit of immaturity. She’s very prideful and has a bit of an ego problem in the beginning, but she grows softer towards her guildmates and will do anything to protect them.

Favorite food: Peaches, candy, and ice cream

Least favorite food: Cabbage, soy beans,and calamari



She doesn't look like it but Renee is really good at cooking, baking, and other culinary related arts. She's very fond of candy making and has a giant sweet tooth. She loves making and trying new and different candies whenever she travels on jobs. 


 Renee can also sing pretty well, sometimes performing in the few events that the guild hosts. She's also got a bit of skill playing instruments like the flute or ocarina.

Cosmetics and Beauty 

Renee is big on good makeup and body cleansers and beauty products. She likes maintaining her health and hygiene as best as she can and is always eager to try or test the newest products. She prefers naturally made scrubs and lotions and such.

Fashion and Modeling

And sometimes, Renee does like to do model work for Sorcerer Weekly or for the latest fashion trends or if a job requests it, she'll put on dresses, costumes, and outfits for boutiques who need a model. Renee will always do it free for any stores that are small.

Other Interests Include

 Traveling and seeing the world through the many jobs she goes on, collecting crystals, rocks, and various other little knick knacks while on her travels, training and becoming stronger and learning about different magics. 

Weaknesses and Flaws

Renee does not like to be at sea for she has terrible seasickness. 

She also tends to get in over her head a lot with her pride being a very stubborn force. A lot of times, she'll act before she thinks which usually leads to some kind of consequence. 

Renee tends to be kind of slow when processing nearly anything when she actually decides to think.


Renee, for the most part until after the Grand Magic Games, lives on her own. She rents an apartment in Magnolia that is cheaper than staying at the Fairy Hills dorm and also offers more privacy. 

Renee loves thunderstorms and summer weather. That said, she does not like cold weather or snow.

While she gets seasick real easy, Renee is very fond of going to beaches and relaxing under the sun. She loves pools and water parks too!


Star Staff

This magical staff was passed down to her from her late mother after handing her over to Mystogan, who then escaped to Earthland from Edolas. It takes the form of a brooch when inactive. 

When in use, this staff can create a star for Renee to hover on (like a Kirby star). She can aim the Hover Star and launch and jump off of it at a foe in which the star explodes upon contact.

Another thing this staff can do is create a Star Barrier to protect herself for about ten to thirty minutes depending on how much magic she has in her. 

Lastly, the Star staff can shoot small waves of tiny stars with Supernova, which like the Hover Star, explode on contact but in smaller bursts.


Lightning Magic


Lightning Resistance

Lightning Magic's most basic defense, having lightning as her signature element, Renee is able to take, or even block, most lightning-based attacks without being injured. This would exclude magics like Laxus' Lightning Dragon Slaying Magic or Orga's God Slayer Lightning magic.

Lightning Surge

This one rarely used, what Renee does is either bite, or dig her nails into her opponent and release a surge of electricity through their system. Only used when it's really necessary.

Lightning Wave

Renee holds her arms out wide as electricity engulfs. Then she brings them in and releases a wave of magic at the opponent.

Lightning Punch

Same as Lightning Wave, only lightning surrounds her fists and well, she punches.

 Lacrima Body Magic

This type of magic is exclusive to Renee as her body is made with Lacrima, the essence that gives all mages and creatures the ability to use magic. Renee can turn her body into a few different forms of energy, sort of like a Take Over. This becomes her primary magic once she's learned how to use it.

Lightning Body

Her signature form of choice since Renee is more experienced with lightning magic. Lightning Body which allows her to turn her own body into electricity that lets her avoid physical hits or non-magical objects (like a random table) thrown at her, only being vulnerable to other magic attacks. It also gives her edge in battle as she can travel through electricity as well as absorb and power herself up/ regain her strength. This comes in very handy when she's teamed up with Laxus as she can help provide electricity for him to consume and strengthen his Dragon Slayer magic. 

However, absorbing too much can cause an overflow in her system and can cause little cracks from overuse to form on her body. This can damage her greatly if she's not careful.

Lacrima Crystal

This hardens her body as she becomes raw lacrima. In this state, she can produce spikes and spears made of crystal as well as provide herself with more defenses. 

Fire Body

This works the same as the lightning form, but obviously uses fire instead. However when something is thrown at her, it'll burn up instead.

Renee will later be able to go half and half with both Lightning and Fire, but this does use up a lot of magic to keep up both elements.

Etherion Body

This is the final form Renee is able to use. Renee gains a whitish gold form that is almost radioactive. She can fire deadly beams that can disintegrate whatever into its smallest components. Renee can also detonate herself to wipe out nearly anything around her. This however uses almost all of her magic and will leave her completely spent and vulnerable and unable to do anything for a long while. Renee will not unlock this form until the finale of Fairy Tail.  


Thought Projection

A type of Magic which allows its user to create a psychic copy of his or her body. This Magic can work even over great distances, allowing the user to essentially be in two places at once. 


Renee was originally born in Edolas, her father worked for the Empire, searching for ways for the people of that world to gain Internal magic like the Exceeds. He came to an insane experiment, and started to inject Liquidized Lacrima into the mother while pregnant. Of course Vanessa had to be asleep in order to successfully do it. And so after doing this a few times, the injected lacrima implemented into Renee's small body, enabling her to use Internal Magic. A couple nights after giving birth to Renee, Vanessa ran away with the baby in her arms, as she had become aware of her husband's plans. Eventually she was met with the young prince, Jellal/Mystogan, who offered to help her through the Reverse Anima, but the Edolas Army was already on their trail. So without hesitation, Vanessa gave Renee to the prince, telling him to go without her, as she would buy time for him to escape with the baby. Which the prince did, but when he arrived in Earthland, he had realized that he couldn't take care of Renee while carrying on with his mission, it would risk her safety. So, he wandered into the nearest town, Magnolia, and set Renee(who was bundled in a warm enough blanket) near the doors of the cathedral along with a note that had her first name, date of birth, and a plea to help her. Then he left, saying farewell to the child as he did.

As for Renee, she was found by Makarov Dreyar who helped the baby and took her in until further notice. No one had come to claim the child and eventually, his little grandson, Laxus grew attached to Renee. It was then that the old man, Makarov, decided to let the girl into the family. And that's how she got into Fairy Tail.

-Years later, Renee goes from sweet, kind child to one who is very cold and arrogant. After Ivan Dreyar's excommunication and a dispute between Makarov and Laxus, Renee quickly sided with her adoptive older brother as she is more attached to him than her grandfather. Renee did everything she could to keep him from looking down on her like he would with the rest of the guild. 

Eventually Laxus makes it S-Class, and would always go to the second floor of the guild hall. In that particular guild hall, those who are not S-Class were not allowed on the second floor. It was a rule Renee hated and she barely got a chance to see her brother, more so after he eventually moved out on her own. She would often get into arguments with Makarov, feeling spite and anger towards him as in her eyes and what she learned from listening to her brother, it seemed that Makarov favored the guild's reputation and fame rather than his family. And all the while, they would sit in his shadow and be praised after job for being "Makarov's/ Fairy Tail's master's grandchildren" and not seen as mages in their own rights, in their own names.

Renee's major goal is to eventually become an S-Class Wizard so that she can be seen as worthy in her brother's eyes and be able to access the second floor of the guild, at first of course, but also to be seen as a powerful mage across the world. With this goal, Renee would take on multiple jobs at a time, most of them being close in distance from each other. She would be gone for a few days to a month or two depending on the jobs.  

Renee would brush off Natsu and her other guildmates and focus only on her own desires. She didn't even stick around and help when the guild was under attack by Phantom Lord. 

Eventually comes the Battle for Fairy Tail in which Renee joins with the Raijinshuu and Laxus in the grand tournament. She does well for most of the tournament until she comes face to face with Mystogan, someone she's been eagerly awaiting to fight. The fight ends in a draw as Freed interrupts it and Mystogan gets away. Renee is furious at first but soon, and with the help of Natsu knocking some sense into her, she starts to realize her mistakes and tries to confront Laxus. This results in her getting knocked out and later waking up in the infirmary.

It wasn't until late that she learned her brother had been excommunicated from Fairy Tail for his actions, yet she and the other members of Raijinshuu, Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen, were simply spared but given punishment and restrictions. While Renee was heartbroken, she understood the weight of what she was doing. Before the end of the Harvest Festival, Renee joins Laxus in viewing the grand parade before seeing him off at the train station, giving her brother the Fairy Tail salute with tears streaming down her face.

After, Renee would go into a small state of depression as she felt alone but rightfully so. While others looked down on her for aiding Laxus in his endeavors, Natsu would happily take time to check on her. She was still a friend in his eyes, and he wouldn't turn away from her. This sort of sparks a budding relationship between the two that will eventually become romantic.

As sort of a punishment for the Battle of Fairy Tail, Makarov restricted Renee on the jobs and forbade her from entering or participating in the upcoming S-Class trials. She could not go on jobs without another member accompanying her. That member would be Mystogan, who suggested that he watch over her. Both Renee and Mystogan would form Team Edolas.

Renee found Mystogan to be very odd, as he rarely comes to the guild. Anything he needs from there, he'll usually have Renee fetch it for him. They wouldn't really do actual jobs as Mystogan's main focus was closing off any signs of the Anima that Edolas was using to harvest magic from Earthland. Throughout the time, Renee would learn about Edolas and that she and Mystogan were a lot closer to each other than she thought. They both came from Edolas together.

Renee learned most of everything about herself and Edolas while traveling with him and during the time she and other members of Fairy Tail were stuck in Edolas. To her, Mystogan is her closest friend, but unfortunately, he had to stay in Edolas while she had to go back to Earthland. Renee vows to herself to eventually find a safe way to travel to and from Edolas.

After Edolas, Renee becomes a lot closer to the other members of Fairy Tail as she was already forming better friendships with Team Natsu, which now included Wendy and Charles, and Gajeel. She feels much better with herself as she reconciles with Makarov after such a bitter time. However she was still unable to partake in the S-Class trials which only upset her slightly. 

Somehow, Renee finds a way to Tenrou Island after Charles gets a premonition of something bad happening. So she goes with her and Pantherlily to the island to aid in stopping Grimoire Heart. She has a brief run in with Zeref, not knowing who he was until kindly wishing him farewell…

Then she reunites with Laxus who is also there to help the guild until the dragon Acnologia shows up. As Makarov is holding the dragon back, the other members are told to run. Renee refuses until her brother grabs her arm and makes her run away. That is until she yanks herself back, hops onto her Hover Star and charges head on after giving a spiel about Fairy Tail and never giving up. They do their best to fight before being frozen in time with everyone else after the dragon flies off and prepares an attack. They are frozen for seven years until other members of the guild find them.

Upon learning that the guild was falling apart after the disappearance of the main members, Renee and Laxus meet young Eliana Dreyar, Laxus' daughter. Before coming to Tenrou Island, Laxus formed a romantic relationship with a woman named Yumi. Eliana was unexpected as he left for the island before he knew of Yumi's condition.(Yumi was also unaware at the time). Unfortunately, Yumi was said to have disappeared years prior. Eliana became the youngest member of Fairy Tail although know one knew who she was. 

Renee quickly forms a close bond with Eliana. Eliana was small, but she was a lot more courageous and brave than most of the remaining members of Fairy Tail. She was the spitting image of Laxus too.  

After this, Renee discovers that her father has a much more insane counterpart in Earthland. And after her first of two personal character arcs, she gains the ability to turn her body into electricity as Renee's body is made mostly of Lacrima. 

Then comes the Grand Magic Games. Renee participates and on one of the days, she, Eliana, and the Raijinshuu, form Fairy Tail Team B as Laxus and other members are recovering from the previous day. Something happens with Eliana with the Raven Tail guild, who were causing many problems throughout the games and leaving Renee in so much anger that she's sparking with electricity. Then comes her fight with a member in which she wastes no time pummeling into the ground within the first minute. However, it is revealed that this guy was a hired assassin from a different dark guild who was to "Kill the Edolas Girl". After Renee's claimed the victor of the fight after an epic showdown, the assassin greatly injures and stabs her in the back.

Renee is rushed in time to the infirmary by a very angry, but worried Natsu after the assassin is taken away by the guards. The two become even closer together as Renee is alright but terrified that someone wanted her dead. 

Before the fight against Sting and Rogue, a weak Renee waits for Natsu at the entrance into the arena in which she wishes him luck with a little peck on his cheek. She joins the rest of the guild in watching Natsu and Gajeel battle it out with the Sabertooth Dragon Slayers, refusing to go back to the infirmary because it was so important for her to watch it.

[will add on more later as I think of more]




Rival to Best Friend

At first, Renee didn’t really think much of Mystogan other than rude and weird. She had never been able to catch a glimpse of him when he had joined Fairy Tail and whenever he would approach, he always used a sleeping spell before walking into the guild. Renee eventually made it a goal to become strong enough to block off the spell. But never really had the chance to do so until her fight against him during the Battle of Fairy Tail. Mystogan attempted the spell in order to keep from having to fight her but Renee had grown strong enough to withstand it and carry on their fight. 

It's not until after Laxus' excommunication that Renee forms a friendship with Mystogan. Mystogan would teach her about Edolas, as they were both from that world and came to Earthland together. As a child himself at the time when they arrived, Mystogan was unable to care for Renee properly, since she was a newborn. He did have some regret in randomly abandoning her, but found relief upon discovering her in the Fairy Tail guild hall when he initially joined himself. 

She and Mystogan became Team Edolas as their bonds grew. They would travel around Fiore to close off the Anima portal any time that it would start up.

After the whole Edolas Arc, Renee was heartbroken that they had to separate. Mystogan had to stay as the new King of Edolas as the world would be rid of its magic power. Meanwhile Renee, being someone able to use magic internally, unlike anyone else in Edolas, had to go back to Earthland.

Even after the seven year time skip and the few more after that, Renee often finds herself thinking about her teammate and misses him dearly. She wants to find a way to see him again as he's one of her closest friends.



Adoptive Older Brother

As she grew up, Renee was always closest to Laxus as she spent more time with her brother than she did with Makarov and Ivan didn't really acknowledge her at all. Through Laxus, Renee learned how to use lightning magic as well as controlling it better after discovering that she could wield it. Renee greatly looks up to him.

After Laxus' father was banished from the guild for reasons unknown to her and Laxus…her brother became very bitter and distant from the rest of the guild. Wanting to remain close to her brother, Renee would often take his side in arguments and stay close to him while turning her up at the other guild members. She looked forward to seeing the day when Laxus would take over the guild in their grandfather's place.

In truth, Renee was afraid of letting Laxus down and being seen as weak or useless to him like he did with everyone else. She would sometimes join him or the Raijinshuu, Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen, in taking on dark guilds or other groups that would badmouth Fairy Tail after Phantom Lord's attack.

Even after Laxus was at his worst, Renee would still be there for him. She knew that he still had a heart deep down, and especially after bearing witness to his attempt at using Fairy Law during the Battle of Fairy Tail. Fairy Law only affected those who the user saw as their enemies, yet no one was harmed by it.

Renee does a lot of stupid stuff and often never thinks and usually Laxus will shield or protect her when doing jobs together. They work very well as a team. Especially with Renee being a lightning magic user and her lightning body magic having the ability to help power Laxus up. Being siblings, they do get into many arguments and sometimes have some rivalry, but they do usually end up getting along…just with more joking and teasing and bickering thrown around. 



Childhood Friend - Love Interest 

Renee met Natsu when they were both kids. She was a little on the shy side but ultimately thought Natsu was insane. Especially after hearing him talk about a dragon, Igneel, that raised him and taught him magic. He annoyed her greatly and could never pronounce her name correctly. He would call her "Nene" (Nenee) and even spelt it as such whenever young Erza would teach him reading and writing. Renee didn't mind it at first, but became more annoyed with the nickname as her ego grew. Natsu constantly wanted to play, befriend, and go on jobs with her and Happy and even wanted to form a team with her. Yet because of surrounding circumstances that Natsu didn't understand or really know, Renee kept brushing him off, focusing on her own goals. 

The first major job she would accompany him on was the Eisenwald and Lullaby incident. Renee originally didn't plan on joining when Natsu suggested the idea of having her along to Erza Scarlet. Erza had agreed and Renee was now stuck on a job she couldn't refuse because of how demanding Erza was.

Through this mission, Renee did sort of break from her hardened attitude and heart as she went off to find Natsu after being ordered by Erza to do so. She had some bit of fun but ultimately left as soon as the demon, Lullaby, was defeated. 

They're relationship is sort of rocky in the beginning as Renee becomes more egotistical and arrogant for a time. But some time and drama, they move on and become closer to each other. While Renee is in a dark place for a time after Laxus is excommunicated from the guild, Natsu would check on her and try his best to make her smile or brighten her mood some. Renee softly starts to open up to him as well as other guild members and forms stronger relationships with them. Renee even starts to form feelings for Natsu as they spend more time together, hanging out, grabbing food, doing a couple small jobs for jewel. 

To Renee, Natsu is her bright, warm light who always manages to cheer her up and make her laugh even when she's at her worst. Also when they've had their fair share of arguments, silly and small or big and serious, Renee just can't stay mad at him. They're dumb as rocks a lot of the time and even do stupid stuff or form brilliant but dumb ideas together…. usually resulting in one or both of them getting hurt somehow, and they also love to spar and fight together. 



Adoptive Grandfather

[Coming Soon and will add more soon~!]



Unbreakable- Fireflight

Born for Greatness- Papa Roach


Stephanie Sheh (voice of Sailor Moon/ Usagi Tsukino in Sailor Moon Crystal)