Tony Alan



6 years, 11 days ago


"You're absolutely disgusting if you think what you do is considered a way of life."
― Tony


  • NameAnthony "Tony" Alan
  • Age30~
  • GenderMale
  • Sexuality (closeted) Homosexual
  • NationalityEnglish
  • OccupationPolice Officer
  • DemeanorCritical



Protective, Critical, Prejudice, Insecure, Clingy,  Prideful, Bossy, Asshole, Prudish, Selfish, Punctual, Proactive

Tony acts all high and mighty and has the "holier than thou" air around him. He looks down on everyone that isn't up to his standards of his way of living in a clean and "civilized" manner. He often puts people down in order to bring himself up. He's very pushy and will criticize when he sees fit, whether he's asked or not. He says, of course, that his criticism is for their benefit, so they can improve themselves. However, it is clear that his intent isn't so altruistic. He just wants people to feel shame for the things he doesn't approve of, or for the things he also feels shame for.

However, he does have a strong sense of justice, and he wants to keep the population safe from those brutish criminals. He is critical because he wants to fix everyone, so this line of work being a police officer is perfect for his superiority complex.


As a young man, Tony admired his cousin Graham, liked to copy everything he did because he thought it made him seem more grown up. But when Tony grew up, his feelings changed and he began to resent Graham for all that he was, and he started to notice all the things he considered flaws: being so carefree, childish, and flamboyant. Tony has completely repressed the fact that he used to look up to him.  Tony had always been a brat, but he grew into an even bigger one. 

Tony has repressed his sexuality for the majority of his life, not feeling comfortable in his own skin or with his own preferences. His own repression makes him very hostile and homophobic towards others. Even if this was something he could share with Graham, he wouldn't even want to admit that they had something in common beyond being family, which he is already upset over. 

He's been engaged to a woman for years now, struggling to finally tie the knot. 

All of his relationships with other men have ended quickly and horribly. He still laments his love for his first boyfrined in particular, who he lost for not being able to accept himself or their relationship. 


Body Type
  • Build:  Average
  • 5'10 -ish
  • Middle part
  • Thin mustache
  • Dirty blonde hair
Relationships (see links for more)


Cousins. Tony used to admire Graham when he was young, but now he thinks he's perverted and irresponsible, and he wishes to correct Graham's lifestyle.


  • Quiet Sundays

  • Graham
  • Rambunctiousness

  • TBD