
1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Worth: 300 ac


also note for anyone whos thinking of buying, there's a chance i'll re-use the power idea for a different character later on so if you dont like that maybe dont buy her or change the power up a little once you do!

trans lady, they/she, lesbian

has a power called "threadpulling"!

so basically the person with the power (the threadpuller) can see all  the "threads" between things (probably within like 30 minutes to keep  it balanced) and can manipulate these threads however they please in  order to have stuff happen sooner, later, not at all, etc. they can  manifest a pair of scissors and a roll of thread at will that nobody  else can see that they can use to either cut threads that are already  there or even add new ones! when they touch a thread they see a sorta  data screen hover above it that explains what the thread connects to,  connects from, its purpose, etc

maybe to balance it or make it less weird the threadpuller has to  sorta like detach from their body to see the threads, like astral  project? and they can only see ones of a specific action at one time  (ie, only threads connected to objects that get picked up, people that  get harmed, people that do the harming, etc) so it doesnt get  overwhelming with millions of threads. and the threadpuller can only see  the area immediately around them (and the threads within it) and the  area outside of what they could see when they left their body is just  transparent / the void, like noclipping out of bounds in a video game.  it'd keep the powers less op and its a neat callback to the inspiration  of it being a gmod addon hehe

also she cant see/change her own threads