Bluestar Talron



6 years, 3 days ago


Name: Bluestar Bartholomew Talron
Preferred Nickname: Blue
Age: 18  
Height: 6”5
Weight: 145 Lbs.
Race: Tropical Wood Elf
Bio: Originally being born to a family of pirates, Bluestar was adopted with an angel named Sariel by his father Lindar at a very early age, and had a somewhat sheltered childhood. He grew a bond with his brother Sariel, and he became the reason why they were homeschooled since at their first and only day, he severely injured a school bully to defend his brother from being picked on. Over the years, he began to learn more and more about the world he was in, and realized truths that no one else knew. This was what lead him to become an anarcist as a teenager/young adult, but still feel a need to help and protect those around him. As such, he became an adventurer, only fighting for what he believes in. He still follows this path to this very day, and aims to keep doing so.