Twix (update profile)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Chanceuxcat Global Rules

These designs and characters all belong to me, so if anyone tries to claim them as their own, please let me know


Don't steal my characters, I will be very upset if you do :'(

I will not revoke a design if I sold it to you, even if you are later on my do-not-interact list

I don't have anyone on my do-not-interact list so far, please help me keep it that way!

Do not sell any characters you received for free from me, unless you bought art from someone to go with it. If that is the case, you are only allowed to sell them for the art price, not any added price for the design. These are free characters, but the reason they are free is because they are intended to be used for fun, not profited from.

*However, if they are from a closed species, you may follow any rules regarding transfers for that species.

All paid-for characters I have created can be sold for what they were purchased or less. If they are a part of a closed species, please follow the species' rules regarding transferring designs.

Please credit me for the design when posting a character. When selling/transferring a character, you must do this. You do not need to credit me every time you post art for the character. Just if anyone asks, please let them know!

Hopefully these rules don't sound too harsh, I've just heard a lot of bad things about art theft and I don't want to add a personal story to the mix! Have a nice day :3