Mookito's Semi-Open Species



1 year, 4 months ago



Feel free to make what u want! Including sub-species (Limits: Legendary traits)


Basic information:

Mookito's are beings that are half amphibians and half mammals (anteaters). They are hollow inside and have a hole (any shape) where their heart would go:3. Its name comes from the Spanish "muccus" and kitos comes from small or sillys, they usually get sick with weather changes or allergies and secrete muccus. Mookitos can have any type of tail and body traits as well as any color of paw pads. They may or may not have a mane as well as ears and hair.

the traits of mookitos are:

-face shape

-eyes types

-tongue types

- filling (in process)

types of traits:



-legendary (can only be obtained by event, raffles, adopts, etc)

-void (can only be obtained by event, raffles, adopts, etc)


Artesitos (Mookitos artesania): their appearance and body are delicate (like clay), if they are emotionally hurt they begin to break / crack. They have another hole (just like their heart) that is almost at the beginning of their tail, they are filled (liquid (paint or tea) or with flavoring smoke).

Pookito's (Pekes x Mookitos): This subspecies has the same as Pekes (another closed species by me) has a second form (emotional form). which is how they will perceive the world and use it to escape situations of emotional or physical risk, to play with other pookitos or pekes, etc.

More data and changes will be added depending on the time I have or ideas that occur to me owo


Información básica:

mookito's son seres mitad anfibios mitad mamiferos (osos hormigueros). son huecos por dentro y tiene un agujero (cualquier forma) en donde iria su corazon :3. su nombre proviene del español "moco" y kitos proviene de pequeñitos, cositos, sillys,etc. normalmente se enferman con cambios climaticos u alergias y segregan moco.

mookitos pueden tener cualquier tipo de cola y body traits al igual cualquier color de paw pads. pueden tener melena o no al igual que orejas y pelo. 

los traits de mookitos son:

-forma de cara

-tipos de ojos

-tipos de lenguas

- relleno (en proceso)

tipos de traits:



-legendario (solo se pueden conseguir por evento, raffles, adopts, etc)

-void (solo se pueden conseguir por evento, raffles, adopts, etc)

se agregara mas datos y cambios dependiendo del tiempo que tenga u ideas que se me ocurran owo