🌊 Adal



1 year, 1 month ago


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Name Adal
Age 19
Alias Adal
Gender Male [He/Him]
Team Name Sea Soul
Team Rank Normal
Role Recruit
Branch Wayfarers

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  • Species: Milcery
  • Level: 1
  • Nature: Brave
  • Characteristic: Good perseverance
  • Ability: Aroma Veil
  • Hometown: Somerset Isles: Fae's Rest
  • Poke: N/A
Reference Here

Positive Traits

Brave:If he has the mind to do something, he will do so against all odds and fears. He might hesitate, might fall, but he won't give up.

Hardworking: Not a day in his life he hasn't worked hard for what he has and that won't stop now. He likes feeling like he earned what he has.

Honest: To a degree, he will say what he means, and speak his mind. But he's mindful about who or where he is talking, and tries not to offend others with his honest words or actions.

Neutral Traits

Stubborn: When he gets an idea in his head he doesn't wanna let it go. He will continue on whatever path he's set unless someone stops him and tells him why it won't work. He's willing to listen to reason.

Tough: Just through sheer exposure, he's a tough person. In both physical and emotional ways. He will fight and is a bit defensive, but he's still young so it hasn't become a bad thing yet. He still lets others in.

Negative Traits

Naive: He doesn't know a lot of things he should because of how he was raised. It makes it easy to take advantage of him if he's not careful about it.

Impulsive: sometimes he just wants to be head empty, act first think later. He likes to say it works out for him most of the time! But it's also landed him into just as much trouble.

Critical: He's 'learned' to be judgemental and critical of others just as much as himself. His other traits temper this, but it doesn't stop first impressions usually being the ONLY impression he makes about someone.

Introvert Extrovert
observant dense
Cruel Kind
organised messy
Cautious Adventurous

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Full on body tackles you- you're lucky he didn't have his sword at the ready, to be honest.


A sweet smelling aroma of cinnamon and vanilla seems to grow stronger and surround his allies.






Content Warning: Mentions of wars/major fighting, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Isolation, Torture, Wing breaking, Runaway, and Child/Adult Injury.

Like Aonani, Adal was born into Somerset Isles where wars and fighting waged between people constantly. Adals life wasn't easy from the start. He was raised by his parents to be a weapon for their enemies: everyone but themselves or temporary allies they had. To that end, he was taught swordplay at a young age. If he made mistakes he was thrown into a room and left there without food or water. Adal learned quickly not to cry out for help or beg. He grew up completely alone, and the treatment worsened as his body grew accustomed to it and could take more.

Soon, mistakes were punished by blade instead of neglect. Or sometimes both. Adal had more scars on him by the time he was sixteen than any veteran fighter had rights to. They deemed him ready and sent him off to the ghost lands to try to take out some key figures there in hope of gaining a lead in this pointless fighting. He failed. He got caught out and left for dead. If it was not for Aonani finding and healing him, he would be dead. Though perhaps it was best she left him for dead anyway considering his failure. It would not end well when he returned home.

Except he didn't return home. He found out that the one who healed him was being punished for it. Punished for a kindness. He steeled his heart and mind and ran back in, witnessing them attempting to break her wings. No doubt they would have killed her after. He saved her, but they both knew if they remained they would be killed for their 'betrayal' . So they wan. And didn't look back. Well. Tried not to.

Adal was with Aonani for three years at Kala Island,bonding over shared trauma and learning how to be human together, before Valen found them and wanted to put their talents to use. Well Aonani's talents. Adal was just starting to learn from her when Valen found them. But Adal would go wherever Aonani went, she was his not-quite mother-like figure. He was not abandoning her (or being abandoned by her) so together they joined Team Sea Soul. Mostly in hopes of finding a place (or people) to call home.


  • Height: 5'2''
  • Body Build: Hourglass.
  • His hair is cream/goop.
  • Some hair goop floats independently, you can choose to draw that or not.
  • He tends to smell like vanilla and cinnamon.

  • !!!EXTRA INFO!!!

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Aesthetic ---
Alignment Neutral Good
MBTI content
Sin Wrath
Virtue Diligence

Designer JKDreamer
Obtained idk
Status Taken
Value $$$


An almost mother figure to him, he appreciates her kindess in their time of the run and learning how to live like normal people.


