


1 year, 2 months ago
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 Envy+Pride He/it, Envy demon, 800+ years old 


When Lulius, also known as Ace, was alive he was a jealous man who was always looking for ways to bring others down. 

He was always singing and performing, but his voice was never quite as good as those around him.

As a demon from the Envy and Pride ring of hell, Ace's conflicting sins of Envy and Pride can be seen both in his relationships and his singing career. In his personal life, Ace is constantly comparing himself to others and feeling envious of those who seem to be more successful or happier than him. This makes him resentful and causes him to lash out at those closest to him. This made him bitter, and he was constantly trying to find ways to make up for this perceived flaw. 

Finally, he made a deal with a devil, trading his soul for fame and fortune. Now in hell, he travels around singing to entertain the denizens of hell. He is a great singer, but his jealousy never goes away. He would do anything to rise to the top. He was constantly looking for ways to bring down his competitors and make himself look better. No one else's talent or success ever seemed to be good enough for him. 

He was willing to backstab anyone if he thought it would give him an advantage. Even his closest friends, those he should have been able to trust, were nothing more than a means to an end. Ace didn't care about anyone or anything, as long as he could make himself look good.


Ace's jealousy is an extension of his self-esteem issues, due to having been bullied when he was younger. 

He is a great singer and is very proud of his voice, but is never quite satisfied with his performance and constantly feels like he needs to work on it

In his singing career, Ace takes great pride in his performances and is always looking for ways to one-up the other performers 

 He is never completely satisfied with himself and is always working to improve his voice and his performances.