Simone Argo



1 year, 1 month ago



Full name Simone Argo
Age 24
Birthday April 9th
Zodiac Aries 
Height6′0 (182cm)
Plant symbolismAsphodels
Animal symbolism Bobcat
occupation Ex-military, Nurse, Prostitute.
 Hair ColorDark red with white clumps mixed in from the stress.
Eye ColorBrown
HobbiesRecreational Shooting and collecting self-defense equipment.
Unique Features She has three moles on her face two at the bottom of each eye and one on her chin. She has a scar that runs over her nose from two previous incidents. her nose is slightly crooked with one pierced ear.  


Mercedes Tamine (complete)

Micheal Cowden (Needs to be actually be written)

Mallon Marburg

Robin Banks

Medea Reuter (NEEDS A REWRITE)

Poppy Cox

Nessia Cathartes (Complete?)

Magdalene Gatlin 


Paige Turner (Complete)


Simone was raised by a single ex-military father. Her mother was out of the picture since she was a toddler because she left her father for another man and left just the two of them to pick up the pieces.

despite it being just the two of them her father was never really there for her given he was still active in the military leaving a rotation of babysitters to watch and basically raise her. This inconsistency of a constant caregiver in the early developmental stage of her life had a profound effect on her making her distant yet extremely clingy at the slightest bit of attachment.

Often once the babysitter was gone, she’d often be very angry almost as if to trick herself into believing she hated them when in reality she was devastated to watch them leave after they got along so well and often felt that maybe they left because she wasn’t good enough for them after all when her father was present he was often going off on a rant about how her mom left because they weren’t good enough to make her stay so it only further cemented that thought it in her mind.

as she got older, she only got more jaded and bitter about things making her an aggressive and antisocial kid which often made her the bully of her peers. Her behavior stemmed from insecurity rather than malice though that didn’t make the things she said and did any less heinous. when she was 13 her father got severely injured in combat and was discharged honorably discharged from the military.

She was horrified by his injuries but at the same time, she was so happy to have him home with her. Though it wasn’t as good as she initially thought it would be when he was back, he was different he was angrier and more jaded than he used to be and would often blow up on her over little grievances.

His behavior and frequent blow-ups on her only made her angrier and more bitter and she started to take all of it out on her peers. what was once just verbal teasing was now physical altercations which led to a lot of detentions and even multiple expulsions that caused even more turbulence in the already unstable household. Despite how mean she was on the outside she did genuinely yearn for someone that cared and understood her.

it wasn’t until early high school that she got a glimpse of what it felt like to be understood and cared for when the English teacher she had held her after class every day to talk to her. she wanted to get to the bottom of her violent behavior and understand her better. she’d seem angry and annoyed that she had to stay after class with her, but very slowly she became more vulnerable and talkative it wasn’t long before she eagerly waited to stay after and talk to her beloved teacher. For the first time in her life, it felt like she had in a way found the mother figure that she always dreamed of until the visits seemed to get shorter and shorter after a new student showed up at their school. a goody-two-shoes girl named poppy.

initially, she didn’t see it but soon it was painfully oblivious that Poppy was the sole reason for the meetings seeming to vanish. Her hunch was right as she lurked around after her class one day investigative and there, she was in her favorite seat happily talking with her like she used to. Her jealousy completely consumed her and now when she looked at her teacher all she could think of was her mother and how she wasn’t good enough to make her stay.

Her anger soon turned from her once beloved teacher to Poppy her perceived replacement. It was so obvious how much better Poppy was than her she was the ideal sweet suck-up all the teachers fawn over. she caused no issues, was always on time, and called every teacher ma’am and sir she was everything Simone failed to be.

eaten up with jealousy she caught Poppy in the hallways seemingly alone and slammed her fist into the side of her head almost knocking her out she then grabbed her with one hand by her shirt collar and hoisted Poppy’s small frame all the way off the ground until she was eye level with her as she drew back her other fist ready to strike her again when she felt something sharp dig into her shoulder causing her head to snap around to look at the source of the sensation when she was met with a hard right hook to the face she was immediately seeing stars as she dropped Poppy and stumbled backward feeling something warm drip down her face as she hit the floor. Her body fought to stay conscious the last thing she saw before completely succumbing to it was a black-haired girl (Nessia) helping Poppy get back up.

when she woke up in the nurse's station, she just lay there on the bed defeated reflecting on the whole situation. She was so angry but at the same time looking back on her fearful dazed expression it made her feel sicker and sicker with herself and her actions. For the first time in her life, she saw the monster she was becoming and realized what made everyone and especially Poppy so much better than her.

That was the first time someone had ever rocked her shit and put her on the ground where she belonged. Now thoroughly humbled a bit she began to settle down a bit and not be so brash with who she hit though her temper was still massively prevalent she now went to channel it through hitting objects and breaking objects. Which still wasn’t healthy, but it was less destructive in the sense that no one was being physically assaulted by her anymore.

While she still had bad aggressive tendencies, they were taken note of by a military recruiter who came to the school to possibly enlist some students. Seeing her fiery and fierce nature they thought she’d make a perfect recruit once she was more disciplined. what made her even more of a target was her father being ex-military.

The recruiter paid her a visit to her home after school. she didn’t want to join, but with her father breathing down her neck while she talked to the recruiter forced her hand to join since she was mortified at the possibility of disappointing him even more than she already had throughout the years with her behavior. After she agreed and enlisted for the first in her life, she finally got to hear that he was proud of her.

Hearing those words from her father motivated her to be the best of the best in her squad in order to gain more of his approval and praise that she never got throughout her childhood. It was here she met Magdalene. Magdalene and she would become fast rivals with Simone always being behind her in second place. The constant losses against her drove her mad with jealousy often leading to frequent outbursts of anger and violence against objects. It seemed no matter what she was always second best to Magdalene.

Their rivalry soon became more bitter and hostile as time went on making them more enemies than rivals despite their fighting for the same side. It became such an issue during training they’d purposely try and sabotage each other. It was one night someone was able to sneak some alcohol into the base much to the squad's delight. This was Simone’s first time ever trying alcohol, so her low tolerance led to her getting way drunker than anticipated. In her drunken stupor, she began to let out all her pent-up rage on Magdalene causing a huge fight that led to higher-ups getting involved and her getting discharged due to bad conduct.

after being discharged from the military all her dad’s affection quickly turned to rage and disappointment and for the first time, he struck Simone punching her in the face and busting open the old scar the black-haired girl (Nessia) gave her making the wound bigger. She was devastated and left that night she didn’t care if she had to spend her life on the streets it was better than putting up with all of his abuse.

After a couple of nights of sleeping, she decided she wasn’t going to live like this anymore and she turned her rage into something to fuel her to be more successful than her old man ever dreamed of being. She spent the nights in computer cafes researching and combing through odd jobs and cheap ways to get an education. Eventually, her months of work paid off and she was able to get a couple of grants to pay for her education in a nursing program. She chose to zero in on a nursing degree as a way to atone for all the pain she had caused others throughout the years by finally helping people instead of hurting them.

Once she got a dorm and her life going again, she couldn’t help but still feel an emptiness inside of her, and she did something a little risky and hired a prostitute by the name of Paige. It was in Paige she sought comfort and instead of the usual services, Paige provided she just wanted to be held and talk about things with her which Paige was oddly charmed by. She treated Paige more like a friend than what she was hired for. It soon became a sort of routine with Paige so much, so Paige stopped taking her money and just showed up of her own volition and the two started a short-lived fling.

Though their feelings were extremely strong for each other another thing got between them and that was Simone’s recent little habit she picked up from attending a couple of college parties where she had grown fond of a substance called molly and was forming a very strong dependence on it though Paige also had a substance abuse issue, she was better at keeping it swept under the rug than Simone, and she still deeply loved Simone regardless, but Simone saw it best to break off the fling in fear that she would again hurt someone again and she couldn’t bear the thought of it being Paige since she was the first person she deeply cared for so she ended it.

Both of them were devastated by the breakup and it led Simone to spiral a bit with her addiction leading her right into the hands of Robin Banks a very prominent drug kingpin. Being a broke college kid, she fell into her debt fast leaving her to pay robin back with services whether they be sexual, scaring others that were in debt to robin to pay up, and just in general whatever she asks of her because if she doesn’t do something that makes her valuable to robin, she knows death is a given.

Now a part of robin’s little criminal crew she came to know her associates rather well and soon became fond of Mercedes in particular finding a charm in her goofy personality and her nerd speech. She sees Mercedes as the little sister she never had and feels a strong need to look out for her especially given her past which she came to know after Mercedes opened up to her after a lot of jobs together. She deeply sympathizes with her past and does her best to hype her up as well as try to be a good influence on her.

She is rather neutral toward Michael given his stoic personality on the job. He’s hard for her to read and he’s not as open as Mercedes but given he’s nice and sort of playful toward Mercedes she leans on a more positive neutral. The two share a lot of respect for each other but are not on jobs often which leads to a lack of communication.

She is very wary of Mallon while she doesn’t hate her, she sure as hell doesn’t trust her at all given her anxious and very flaky nature. She has similar towards Medea but for different reasons, Medea makes her devious two-faced nature known, and Medea openly talks and brags about her lies, but despite this, she doesn’t hate Medea she just finds her annoying and stupid though she does admire her determination and grit when it comes to getting something she wants.


Simone seems blunt and apathetic on the surface, but this is just a cover to hide her softer and more caring nature though she has been jaded by her experiences in life this part of her still lives whether she cares to admit it or not. She often struggles with showing affection toward others often using the same tough love she was given to express it which is often perceived as unintentionally harsh but she tries. She currently has pretty decent control of her once uncontrollable anger, but her violent tendencies do slip out if she is pushed far enough by others or she feels that she or anyone she’s close to is in danger.