[Avridon] Shenkhai



1 year, 10 days ago



~ Shenkhai ~

Male . 20+y.o . ancient medic

" Sound of falling rain will bring you peace "

- Shenkhai is ancient medicine specialist; it's rare type of medicine known and used by first people who tried alternative methods to cure various diseases without modern magic and to cure illness and curses caused by Kha'alzar demons (where regular magic was useless). Ancient medics are also known as "whisperers", because to cast special spells they need to whisper them or say them loudly. Shen were raised by one of ancient medics, when he was found in the basket under his door; Shenkhai never met his biological parents and he knows nothing about his past and why his mother left him.

Fascinated with ancient medicine, Shenkhai passed some kind of tests made by other whisperers and were send to Rain Temple - place where ancient medics live alone in quiet environment. He was located in centrum of 3rd Continent; he helps people for free and gives a helping hand to every wanderer or lost kid who comes into his temple. He's perfectly known in local society. Shenkhai also studies very mysterious and unknown Void magic for his own.

- His nickname is also "Sea Cucumber" because of his colorful specific apperiance.