


8 years, 6 months ago


"Mortema is sea princess. [...] She sings beautifully. However, [the] princess is deadly and can tighten the unwary in seafoam."
- Nemfaret

Mortema is a princess of the sea, constantly frothing with seafoam that is heavenly to the touch. Her crown, hands, feet, and the plates on her chest are of an unknown, crystal-like substance but are translucent and glow whether in water or floating above the sea. She can fly, but only prefers to do so when the skies above the waves are dark and stormy. She is also immensely large, reaching a size of nearly 60' in length and 15' tall, she can jump clean over most large sea vessels. She usually is very tame, but can become violent for unknown and often unpredictable reasons, resulting in massive destruction. One will only ever witness this princess on destructive, stormy ocean waters.