Butterfly's Comments

I'd love to adopt if still available!? I'd mainly use for art! (And love them) I really love their design, Ik that sounds basic but I do! I just wanna give them a big cuddle 😭❤️ not sure what to write but I'll do a mini story, butterfly is the nameholder 

Butterfly wakes up to a bright light shining on them, they turn over and groan. After wiping the sleep from their eyes buttery stood up and stretched, embracing the sun beams that peaked through the tree leaves. Butterfly flapped their wings and flew over to the nearby stream. They drank the crystal clear water and then perched themselves on top of a rock, watching the fish of bright colours swim by, entranced by the fish they slowly nodded off back to sleep. 

Sounds like they love sleeping haha, im glad you like them!!

Butterfly will be sent over shortly!


Eeee thank you so much ❤️✨ I'll take great care of them