


1 year, 1 month ago


"Hope is our four letter word // Make that money, watch it burn"


[ About ]


Haven is part of the Starcrossed series, a private RP between myself and ronnie_sawyer. The story follows two enemy kingdoms, Dawnmore and Starlester. Tensions continue to rise between the kingdoms, and the Queen of Dawnmore sends assassins after the royal family of Starlester -- but just as the disguised princess would have been killed, she is saved by a mysterious stranger, and the two begin to fall in love. Lavina returns home as the kingdoms declare war on one another, unaware that the stranger who saved her life was none other than the strongest knight in all of Dawnmore, Denzell Everett.

Haven was the first sorcerer recruited for Dawnmore. While she technically came from the Sunrest kingdom, she has resided in Dawnmore for a few years and joined the war the moment she was approached about it. She was originally a mercenary, treated like nothing more than a deadly weapon by those who hired her. She didn't really mind, though -- they were right. She was deadly, and she destroyed nearly everything she touched. Unlike Bori, she was not stealthy. Haven left ruins in her wake, caring not to distinguish between friend and foe. To her, it never mattered. She would smile and laugh through them all.

A bit of a wild card, Haven doesn't actually care about the war effort or which side wins. She's here for the fun of it, and now, because she likes some of her allies. More specifically, Haven is completely and utterly in love with Allora, the Dawnmore healer. She loves her so much, in fact, that she repeatedly throws herself into danger just to visit her tent more often. When other injured soldiers are given attention instead of her, even if they are dying, she whines and complains until Allora focuses on her. Captain Virian put up with her antics, but Captain Bori does not, and he makes that very clear. In retaliation to this scolding, Haven went haywire, nearly burning the entire battlefield to the ground, including her own teammates. Allora, Leviathan, and Denzell eventually got her to calm down, but she kidnapped V for fun immediately after and is now on babysitting duty. For now, Bori has left her alone, aside from a stern word or two every once in a while.

[ Personality ]


  • Allora
  • Fire
  • Murder


  • Filth
  • Bori
  • Vendetta.


Throughout most of her life, Haven was considered a weapon, nothing more, and that's how she liked it. She never knew anything else and didn't see a problem with it. She found joy in her work, never seeking anyone's approval but her own, and of course she never found any flaws in herself. She was beautiful, strong, and absolutely hilarious. When Allora came along, everything changed. Allora was soft, and gorgeous, and sweet, and Haven fell in love immediately. Now, instead of an unstoppable weapon, she's more like a rabid dog leashed by the world's nicest blood sorcerer. Win-win.

[ Basics ]

Pronouns She/Her
AGE 22
Height 5'10
OCCUPATION Fire sorcerer
RESIDENCE Goldview, Dawnmore

[ Story & Trivia ]


  • Once, while watching after V, she held them upside down over the creek by their feet and threatened to drop them. They kicked her in the face and caught themself on some vines, then ran out of the camp immediately. Bori had to get them back himself.
  • The scars across her eyes resemble the markings of a caracal, matching her magical abilities. Nobody knows where she got them.
  • Haven has a british accent.

[ Relationships ]



Allora is perfect in Haven's eyes. She has never done anything wrong ever, and she couldn't if she tried. Haven would throw it all away to be with Allora forever. She's even suggested doing just that, running away from the war together. Allora is the first person to be soft like this with her, to really treat her like a human being, and she never knew how much she wanted that until she got it. Haven will do anything to keep it that way.

Best Friend


Haven and Leviathan bully each other sometimes, but it's all in good fun. Haven thinks Leviathan thinks Bori is hot, and she's right. Leviathan thinks Haven is an obsessive freak, and they're right. At the end of the day, despite the tone of their jokes and fake-arguments, they always end in a laugh. They have each other's backs.

Sworn Enemy.


Haven and Vendetta fight in battle very often (as a direct punishment from Bori, because he knows she hates them). Each time they fight, they need to get more and more creative with each other, because unlike any other fight, these two sincerely want each other dead. It's personal, and they both know it. This has led to circumstances such as both of them falling unconscious due to blood loss and high fever respectively, Haven nearly drowning in a bubble of blood around her head, and Vendetta fleeing the battlefield because Haven burned poisonous flowers and filled the area with toxic gas. It is only going to get worse.