Mako Lachh-toothe



1 year, 1 month ago


Name - Mako Lachh-toothe
Age -19
Gender - Female (AFAB)
Orientation - ???
Species - Shark
Designer - Zenbeano
Value My Babie
Status Taken..?

•Pronouns - She/Her/,They/Them/Theirs

•Sexuality - Lesbian

•Voice Claim - Cherri Bomb (Hazbin Hotel)

â—ŹJob Specification -(Classified)

â—ŹLikes -Worms, Eating Cds, Bright Lights, Sounds of Rain

â—ŹDislikes -Croweded places, Hot Days, Muzzles, Being treated like a rabid beast

â—ŹFears/Triggers -Sudden Loud Noises, Yelling/Screamimg, The Ocean, Loneliness/Abandonment, Police Sirens, Sounds of Chains)

â—ŹHey! Quick heads up and CW, Flickers Backstory involves Gender Disphoria, Implications of SH, and Implied Child Neglectâ—Ź

-About 16-20 years prior to current events, Flicker and his older sibling, Hiiro, fell down to Earth after the eventual downfall of their homeplanet, KÄ«lphius. Flicker's personal memories of the events and memories of the planet is fuzzy due to him being so young. But from what Hiiro is aware of, their mother almost left Flicker for dead untill Hiiro took him in. Most likely their family fell apart years before Flicker was born and he was some sort of scapegoat for their father to be involved again. Though as one could assume, his mother's attempts were unsuccessful and she left both he and Hiiro to fend for themselves.

Fortunatley, Hiiro had a slight grasp on how to care for his younger sibling and with the assitance of their leader, was able to do so flawlesly. That is untill the planet became inhabitable and the Pyarachnin race had to leave for more warm, suitable territory. Hiiro had tried his very best to stay together with Flicker in the massive Arson of Pyarachnin, drifting to their possible new home, but at the last moment of reaching Earth, the two were seperated. Hiiro being sent off into the dephts of the sea, while Flicker landed on a shore farther out

The one memory of being small that Flicker does happen to remember, is the sirens of police cars inspecting the event that just occured a few days afterward. All they could remember is how scared they were of these people and creatures they've never seen before. Being observed and treated like a rabid animal. After being startled a bit to much by one of the officers, he accidentally bit at one's arm out of fear. And lets just say that Flicker had to wear a muzzle for a very long amount of his childhood.

He was taken into an Orphanage, as there wasnt an exact place he could go, and plenty enough Pyarachnin were taken in for testing. As you could guess, he wasnt treated very well by most of his peers. There were a few that didn't mind them living along side them but the ones that did mind were agressive. Making loud noises to scare them on purpose, Beating him, not only with their fists but with plenty of sharp objects they could get their hands on. There were also days where Flicker was denyed food or even water. It wasnt untill another Orphans arrival that things started looking bright for our Pyarachin freind.

She seemed a bit older than Flicker, about by a year, maybe. Her name was Azzias, and the goat-child instantly took an interest in Flicker. They thought his ears looked kinda funny, and his tail nice and soft. As Flicker didn't know what much else to do, he let Az stay by his side for the time they were there. After a good while, Flicker finally started trusting others, epsecially Azzie, mostly because once they heard what the other Orphans did to them Az started fighting them back. She taught Flicker how to communicate, and in doing so he gained his British-esc accent, despite Azzies being more Scottish. With every passing day, Flicker enjoyed having his freind around, waking up just to see his freind waiting to go cause whatever mischief that day. Though sometimes, the little good things do come to an end.

It was an Uncle of her's she didn't know about apparently, said that he was the only relative nearby that could take her in. Azzias begged for their Uncle to take Flicker with them, but of course he said no, so, Az made a promise that if Flicker were able to find a new family, they could see each other again.Though devestated that one of their few freinds was going to leave, Flicker accepted the promise with tears in his eyes. And right when they left things went back to what they were, like nothing even changed. Years go by, no family really wanting or needing someone like him in their lives. This tore Flicker apart with every time someone passed him by untill he was too old for the Orphanage, and tossed onto the streets.

Time and time again Flicker would be harrased for money, to no avail of course, he didn't even know how money worked on this planet. He ended up in an abandonded recording studio for 2-3 years, snacking on any of the CDs that they'd find lying around or messing with the booth seeing which buttons did what. Flicker was pretty lonesome for these years of his life, most days were just them lying on the cold floor with nothing really to do with his life. One day he stumbled across one of the bathrooms in the studio, getting a better look at himself in one of the mirrors. Something felt off, something was wrong. This is the first time in years he's seen himself and he hated it.

He tried to wear more baggy clothes, that didn't work for him. He then tried to cut his hair, see if it does anything, still nothing. For the next year, Flicker would have a mental crisis over who he was as a person. With no one to turn to, or give him advice, this made things even worse for them and it turned them to smoking or even leaving small scars and cuts on the tips of their face or their neck sometimes. It wasnt untill a child mistook Flicker for a guy that he had any clue what to do with himself. Before realizing what was wrong with himself, he was about to just, give up on everything. Flicker didn't have anyone left, he felt useless and was too confused to be on the planet any longer and wanted out.

On another occasion, on a more rainy night, Flicker was finally able to bring himself up. He wanted to go out and explore for once, the lights flashing from the broken windows of the studio seemed enticing afterall. So they went out, walked for a good few miles in the rain. Traveling through alleys where he felt somewhat safe and couldn't be seen as well despite his luminecent fur and eyes. While passing by a warmly lit building, he heard some scuffling, as if a fight was going on. Flicker watched from a distance still hidden as the fight drove on.

Once he realized the other person had interntions of murder thats when Flicker leaped in, stretching out their body into their longer, beastly form, being able to protect the others body with ease due to their size. Of course the perpetraitor was flung off and later scurried away from the two of them, but, now its just the two of them. Azzias was able to recognize their old freind easily, for Flicker it took a minute or two but eventually caught up with them. After a bit of coversing and walking, Azzie brings up the question of where Flicker has been all this time. Upon being told that he had been homeless for the past 3 years, Az furiously brings Flicker to their current home to have some sort of functioning roof over his head for once.