Heskel Kaato



6 years, 4 days ago


Heskel Kaato
SWTOR Era • Republic Trooper • Dark Side

NameHeskel Orion Kaato
SpeciesHuman (Cyborg)
OccupationHavoc Squad CO


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  • Compact, toned build.
  • Permanent goggle tan. Oops
  • Hair is typically greasy.
  • Eyes can be blue or yellow.
  • Shows mild dark side corruption.
  • Three tattoos! An Old Republic insignia with the words "Til My Last Breath" in Aurebesh on one shoulder, Havoc Squad insignia on his back, and his father's name (Orion) in Aurebesh over his heart.

At first glance, Heskel is a no-nonsense military man. Respectful of his superiors and compliant with his orders, he seems to be the model for any Republic trooper. However, Heskel is far from having it all together, struggling with night terrors, a combat stim addiction, and an emotional dependency on being sent into the battlefield.

Heskel started his career as an ornery private with a bad attitude and a trigger finger. However, after years of harsh combat in the outer rim, Heskel allowed his own unaddressed grief, his insecurities, and his desire for revenge against the Empire to corrupt him, leaving him utterly merciless to anyone he deems to be an enemy of the Republic. Heskel started to live for the rush of combat, itching for any chance he could get to deal more damage in the heat of battle. Not aware of how far he had fallen, Heskel continued chasing the high of chaos while ignoring the deeper problems festering within him.

These days, Heskel is the CO of Havoc Squad, and is in the beginning stages of realizing how his behavior over the course of his life has affected those he cared about. With the road to self improvement appearing so daunting, Heskel now stands on the edge of fighting that uphill battle, or falling deeper into the hole he has dug for himself over the course of nearly three decades.


  • Loyal
  • Energetic
  • Motivational
  • Humble (to a fault)
  • Driven
  • Competent in battle

  • Repressed
  • Judgmental
  • Angry
  • In Denial
  • Reckless
  • Socially Awkward

  • Serving the Republic
  • "Justified" Violence
  • Heavy weaponry
  • Military recognition
  • Dancing
  • Dogs

  • Enemies of the Republic
  • "Needless" mercy
  • Droids
  • Attempts at bribery
  • Night Terrors
  • Emotional vulnerability

[    This hate is a problem. You're the ghost of my problem.    ]


Heskel grew up in the shadow of a man he barely knew; his own father was killed in a gang control operation in the lower levels of Coruscant when Heskel was only three. Overwhelmed by grief following the tragedy, Heskel's mother expected the young boy to follow in his father's footsteps to honor his loss, but despite all efforts, nothing Heskel did would ever seem to be enough for his mother to give him any praise.

This, of course, led Heskel to become a very angry young man. His feelings were mostly directed inward, fueling Heskel to somehow live up to impossible standards written by a widow's grief. Heskel spent the final two years of his schooling in a military academy, but couldn't pull the grades to make it into officer's school upon graduation. Much to his mother's disapproval, Heskel enlisted as a private in the Republic infantry--an option that Heskel had preferred from the beginning.

Four years into his career, the then-sergeant's life changed when a one-on-one confrontation with a sith lord went awry. Heskel secured victory, but was left with a severely damaged eye that had to be removed. Instead of giving up on the military life, Heskel took a chance on an experimental implant that would at the very least restore the sense of depth perception afforded by binocular vision. Luckily for him, the implant worked, and his reputation as a soldier who fought a sith lord (and won) began to spread. This event was what inevitably caught the eye of Republic Command, who reassigned him to a special ops team known as Havoc Squad, where he now remains.


  • Heskel finds it difficult to get to sleep and suffers from persistent night terrors. He often has to physically tire himself out to even get an hour of shut-eye.
  • Due to his late father's status as a war hero and his knowledge of what war has done to his own psyche, Heskel is very uncomfortable with being seen as anything more than a soldier. He will own up to his victories, but brushes off any attempts to be congratulated or called a hero, especially in public.
  • Poor Major Kaato cannot handle his liquor...at all. His alcohol tolerance is so low, that he can only get through half a beer before feeling completely wasted.
  • Heskel is a fantastic battle strategest, but only in the moment. He relies more on his gut than his head.
  • He hates being bribed, feeling that attempts at bribery are an insult to his intelligence. Ironically, he will often turn down very good offers if they are positioned as a bribe.
  • Heskel is aware of his sexuality but denied it to himself for years. Eventually, he opens up to the concept of being attracted to men, but the process wasn't an easy one.
  • Heskel forgets to take care of himself and more often than not smells a little like sweat and blaster fire most of the time -- and not in a romanticized way.
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Profile Coded By Commander