


1 year, 28 days ago


.............another robot

UM UM OKOKOK so like. im just going to ramble on about her character here . so many many many thoughts in my head for her.

FIRSTLY shes a robot built for *only* manual labour but like. in her many years of living something mustve circuited and now she really wants to be present in the things happening around her.... the first thing she did was give herself her name (aeon) ((the 143 is for. reasons..)) (((SHE NAMED HERSELF AEON BECAUSE SHE'LL LIVE FOR EONS... GET IT....)))

shes often updating her code and has done some manual repairs/ upgrades to herself... she doesnt actually have hair its wig she found and cleaned up.. so r the clips!
she styled her wig btw. love her. the sensors on her left side dont work really well and she cant find/replace them so she just keeps them covered... her chin is dented/scratched bc towards when she really "gained sentience" she saw some animals and one of them hurt themself because of her chin so she tried to break it with a rock but that didnt work and left a dent so she just sanded it down...
shes watched HUNDREDS of romance/slice of life movies to understand love and other feelings (mainly love.. but shes got somewhat of a wrong idea because love is really subjective and if she could create feelings of love of her own, it'd be SOO much more beautiful than her mimicry. but whatever can a robot do.)
she also likes to dress up but most clothes hardly fit her bc of her... slightly inhuman build... but she works with what she can! she'd love to sew/ tailor her own clothes someday..

she also LOVES learning and constantly updating her code and to help her understanding of the world she downloaded prominent definitions off urban dictionary (she kind of regrets it).
also her "mouth" or mask or whatever opens....

she goes around around collecting anything and everything she thinks is cool and puts it on herself or her bag... u would be shocked to see her collection of fridge magnets

adding to the mimicry of emotions bit, shes tried to engineer her own "friend" ( a little bird) ((a drone but she calls it a bird)) with her understanding of emotion + some bird like actions (she wants it to be realistic) but she hasnt been successful... its okay aeon im sure with your indomitable spirit anything is possible!

if i think of literally anything else ill add it here