Copper Man



1 year, 1 month ago


Copper Man

Height / Weight:
5'9" (1.75m) / 360 lbs (163.3kg)


Copper Man is a robot master built in 20XX He was built to accomplish high-risk welding assignments that would be at risk of injuring humans. He is able to weld metal together with a high-heat welder on his arm, as well as rapidly cooling it without compromising the structure/object being welded. Often he is called to do restoration projects of ships or large machinery that would require a large team of people. He is able to control a team of smaller welder robots, making projects faster and more efficient than anything a team of people could do. His arm semi-frequently overheats, requiring maintenance year-round. He also has copper elements decorated around him, hiding several magnetic elements which allow copper to climb around large structures.

Copper has a habit of being quiet, even when being spoken to. More often than not he will gesture in response to conversation. He is able to speak, he just does it infrequently. This is most likely due to speaking not being required to converse with his robot team. Even through this silence, however, his opinions and thoughts are very apparent. Many would describe him as being "sassy" or "very opinionated". On his off time, you may see him polishing and cleaning the copper elements in his design. Over time they turn green, and do have to be replaced. He doesn't mind the color change, but the texture and accumulated debris can weaken the magnetic elements beneath.

Good Point: He takes safety seriously

Bad Point: He's silently sassy

Likes: Cleanliness

Dislikes: People who disagree with him