


6 years, 4 days ago

Basic Info


Luc Sorian










birthOctober 28th
alignmentTrue neutral
drinkVino novello

Describing Luc as an optimist does not accurately convey just how positive his outlook on life is. He is a carefree man who has always believed - and will always believe - that everything will turn out well in the end, that he can achieve anything if he puts his heart to it, and that nobody has any ill-will towards him. This optimism also makes him enthusiastic about... Most things.

However, that enthusiasm is coupled by a tendency to jump from one obsession to the next. Luc is infamous for dedicating himself to projects only to abandon them half-way; he has never fully finished anything. However that also never discouraged him. He has an internal drive and does everything he does because he wants to, external validation was never something he needed. Luc's carefree nature also sometimes shows as laziness. Deadliness and schedules are not his friends, he would much rather do things at his own pace with no sense of urgency. Really, one could say he struggles to take things seriously.

While Luc gets along with mostly everyone, it is not rare for others to find him overwhelming. Aside from being very high energy, Luc is also prone to emotional outbursts and mood swings. He does not react well to criticism. He is also not exactly altruistic, though neither is he selfish - Luc puts himself before anyone else most times, some light lying and manipulating not being beyond him, but he will help others if he feels like it. Which is not always.


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscing elit”


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

“With your lust and your greed weighing down
And you weaken your love”


  • Can be genuinely mean at times, but as people usually assume this is Luc being abrasive or blunt he seldom has to face the consequences of his actions
  • Not facing consequences for poor behaviour has always been a constant in Luc's life
  • Thinks a lot about his legacy and how people will remember him and that sort of thing
  • Used to go horse-riding as child! Hasn't done it in years now, but is still very fond of horses and would love to own one some day


  • Naturally dark hair but bleaches it regularly

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Having grown up together, Luc and Davide think of each other more as bothers than friends. Growing up their bond has waivered slightly - namely due to Luc feeling that Davide has grown too serious about his work. Despite that however, Luc knows Davide will always have his back and offer advice (whether Luc asked or not), and though Luc would rather not think about it, he knows Davide is really the only person who will put up with his antics.


Luc's current obsession lover! Luc is all over Marcellin to an unhealthy degree, trying to spend all his time with the man despite Marcellin subtly (and not so subtly, to get through Luc's thick skull) asking for some space for himself. But aside from the occasional pushing away, Marcellin happily goes along with Luc's wishes. Davide is the only one to raise objections to their relationship, trying to make Luc understand that Marcellin is really just using him - but it is useless, because Luc is madly in love with Marcellin and has no doubt it's mutual.

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