


1 year, 1 month ago



YES well, just a bit of confusion, you could say.. Heh--That was a rather good one, as the people call it!


• Kindness • Thoughtfulness • Empathy

Age He forgot!

Height 5'4"

Favorite Thing Time with Nyx!

Sad Things? No Nyx : (


What a mistake, they always said! That’s what every single action and step the angel Brinkley made seemed to be. He was always looked down upon by other angels because of how clumsy and naive he was. Angelhood was about being good, but it surely wasn’t about being a… A complete and utter buffoon! At one point, he was recruited as a part of the archangel Samael’s troop to head down to the mortal realm and search for a fallen angel, the man’s name was “Nyx” they said. A demon who would cause turmoil and affect the lives of mortals they were protecting if they did not interfere. Despite his task at hand, Brinkley felt a sense of pain that they should have to hunt down one of their own, providing consequence when truthfully, they didn’t have any proof he’d done anything in particular. When they arrived in the mortal realm, Brinkley got lost following a brilliant crimson-haired individual who seemed to be almost toying with him, luring him from the group. Lo and behold, the wolf was the very person he’d been searching for. Despite some harsh words and mockery, Brinkley could sense no malice in him and took his hands in his, looking into his eyes and smiling as he decided that day forth, they’d be friends. When Samael finally found him, Brinkley found it in his heart to… Not exactly lie, but… Avoid the truth? Much to Nyx’s shock and Samael’s annoyance. Brinkley was demoted for his incompetence and worked under the angel Belvidere for the years following, having to deal with his harsh teachings and repercussions when he did not obey the rules that were laid out clearly for him. Despite all this consequence, the years that followed were more merry as he continued to meet with the fallen angel in secret, partnering with him to perform…. Little miracles, until some events with two love-stricken vampires ended in Brinkley being placed under a suspension that had the archangels watching him closely. Although he did not see Nyx for a century following, he never really stopped thinking about him… About his friend… Who was not evil, just deeply, deeply, misunderstood. Eventually they reunited, having to pick up the pieces with what happened with their vampiric pair. Thus far, things seem to be looking up... But is that really all the troubles they'll have to endure...? After all, at the end of it all, Brinkley is an angel... And Nyx is... What the holy ones refer to as a "demon." Even if their creator declared it a possibility now... Not many look fondly upon the concept...



Extroverted Introverted
Honest Dishonest (Well...)
Courageous Cowardly
Emotional Cold
Forgiving Resentful

Traits and Trivia


• Pastries • Picnics
•Tea • Long conversations


• Silence • Cruelty
• Manipulation • Deception


• Kind • Caring
• Naive • Loyal


• Brinkley has been demoted... Thrice. • Brinkley has an affinity for saving mortals.
• Crepes are his favorite dessert! • A leading figure in Enoch/Edward's romance.



Best... Friend?

Nyx is the most important person in the world to Brinkley. He greatly appreciates his company and values his input. Despite his faithfulness to Lord Adonai and his angel brethren, something about Nyx makes him want to think for himself. He feels like he could do anything without fear of being judged or betrayed. With Nyx, the world has more color and his experiences has expanded. Despite the fact some could call it temptation, Brinkley calls it "exploring the world", particularly in the realm of sweet treats and late night shows at a theatre. Everytime he is with him though, his tummy starts to churn... Why is that? How odd.


Brinkley and Nyx both took part in Enoch and Edward's tragic romance unfolding from the beginning. Realizing that the vampire intended to bring tragedy down upon many of London's residents, the pair decided that a true love would solve the problem. And for a while, it did. Until the moment the townspeople realized Edward's true nature and decided to hunt him down, resulting in Enoch's "death". However, Edward, unaware that his efforts to transform Enoch into a vampire, despite slow, worked, moved on with Nyx and Brinkley's interference once more, leaving a heartbroken Enoch. Some months later when he awoke again, and Nyx and Brinkley to pick up the pieces they'd left. Brinkley feels indebted to Enoch for causing him so much pain and anguish, and Enoch exploits this often.

Some Notes!

Brinkley hides his wings like any other angel.
Brinkley frequently goes "undercover".
Bowties are a must!

Fire N' Gold - Bea Miller

Code created by Evoidless ♡