Erhaltung's Comments

Hey there! Thank you so much for this opportunity. I love your character's design and would love to be able to use them in my story! Their design is so unique and pretty. You did a fantastic job in designing them!

The things I did for this raffle:

  • Favorited your character + base.
  • Subscribed to you.
  • Commented.
  • Favorited 10 adopts and the Magpie General Commissions page. (+11)
  • Made a bulletin with an image: (+5)
  • Followed and reblogged artwork on Tumblr: (+5)
  • The name I would give this character is Daze, and I would love to use them for a collaborative sci-fi story I'm writing with my brother. They would be one of my main character alien species in that story! I'd love to make them a merchant/collector of sorts who initially travels the universe to expand on their collection of items and possibly sell some stuff but then gets wrapped up in the main storyline and has to help the other main characters get out of sticky situations. (+5)

All extra points: 26

entering ! :-)

Fav'd and have been subbed!! ♥♥ Thank you for the opportunity!

Faved both, and subbed, this character design is so so cool!!!

Favorited the character, the base, been subscribed to you for a while, and leaving a comment now ^^ Also favorited teeny fox, teeny wolf, flame, and the commissions!

As for naming the character and story-wise, I'd love to make them apart of a story/comic I'm writing called Turning Jade! It's set in a futuristic, flora-overgrown world with postmodernist plots and ideas (with some magic too!) and revolves around a "prophet" character who is slowly turning to jadestone throughout the entire story, and is travelling with a ragtag team that builds throughout the story to find a cure before he fully turns into a statue. This character would fit in really well with the group of animal and alienlike creatures, and would probably join the group alongside another character who shares similar themes!! As for names, I feel something like Requiem, Erhaltung, or Zircon would fit them!!

+8 points !! Thank you for hosting the raffle and good luck to everyone entering!!

You won the raffle! Congrats!

ohmigosh!! thank you so much! this raffle was so fun :D

entering! faved all adopts and commissions! (+11)

Entering please ^^

Thank you for hosting 💜

Enter! Been subbed for a while!

entering ! (+1)

I'd love to enter <3 subbed and favorited both mando favs

I'd love to enter!
I've been sub to you, I faved this and also faved 2 of your adopts and your comms :3 

faved both, already subbed, faved all adopts and commissions (+11)

Faved, already subbed, faved all adopts and already faved commissions (+11), followed on tumblr and reblogged (vaguewanderings) (+5), +Bulletin! (with image, +5)

I do a lot of research before deciding on names, but tbh the idea of them having a name that isn’t a spoken one would be cool. Or using something more like a title. Glass Guardian, Cosmos. I know they’re more of a glass creature but I can’t help but think of those roses suspended in the glass spheres.
I love the idea of them being a guardian in some kind of secluded fantasy garden (fountain of life / pond). Not having a face makes me think of something like a golem/ atronach. Something meant to serve. I’d probably make it so that they’re part of a set of faceless guardians meant to protect specific places. But this one would be different than the others, in that they are curious about the outside. Wanting to be free to explore. I kindof think it would be cool if they were to meet someone, leave, adopt a glamour that allows them to blend in. (+5)

+26 I think!

Already subbed and liked both base and character :]

Entering! I'm already subbed, made a bulletin (w/ image), faved commissions, and faved base and raffle!

I would most likely name this character Osmosis . He could be some sort of leader or god in my universe.

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Entering! Already subbed! I think it would be interesting if I used it as a Rain World oc! It could be an experiment or guardian of my iterator, Quiet Revolution, who I think would name it "Lotus of the Void." 

Faved raffle, base and already subbed + faved all 10 adoptables and commission profile!

Did all required :D

Did all the required!

Faved all your commissions and adopts (+11)
Made a bulletin with image (+5)
Subscribed to your comic (+5)

They would have no name, be a wandering creature in my lore. Perhaps nicknamed by travellers as ‘The Glass Creature,’ or ‘The Shattered One.’ But it likes to be called GlassLily, or anything like that. Controlled and created by the gods as a lethal statue-esque being, it is an unwilling villain known to attack all those who approach it. It would be trapped in its own head, fighting for control. All it wants is to be good. But it doesn’t know how to break free, not yet. Would probably act as a sentinel of sorts, guarding something important to the Gods. (+5)

That should be… +26 tickets?

did everything req to enter! Ty for this + faving my chars <3

subbed and faved, I already follow your Tumblr, and bulletin made (w/ image)

Entered and subscribed!

Did required+ faved 4 adopts and the commissions!
for the character, I would porbably name the something like Horus or Lyrance, in my story I have some more spirit/odd creatures so they might be a creature that guards a place/shrine.
thank you for the chance!

did the required (subbing, favoriting this and the base) for 1 ticket, and made a bulletin for another 3. so 4(four) tickets, i’d do more but i’m tired rn

did required [1]

faved any adopts that i didnt already have faved, making them all faved [+11]

comms page is already faved [+1]

already following your tumblr! [+3]

name: Ado [no particular reason it just,,, sounds cool] [+2]

story: They were designed at first as some kind of piece for show, a statue of sorts that had some vague awareness, but when the mother of the family who owned them discovered that her favourite flower was going extinct, they were repurposed. Now, they grow those flowers within them in a specifically regulated environment, keeping them alive until they can be replanted into a pot that doesn't rely on them. After they started growing these flowers, it became a lot more aware of itself, and integrated into a more involved part of the family, seemingly relying on having to grow these flowers for this level of intelligence. [+3]

1+11+1+3+2+3=21 i think!

faved both req, already subbed, [+1] and faved all in adopts folder [+11], so 12 tickets in total

subbed, faved all adopts, comms, base and character!

Entering please, ty !

faved, already subbed faved commission [+1], follow on tumblr and reblog [+5] (my pseudo is Akuma-974), Post a bulletin [+3]! : 
All extra:+9 tickets!

faved this and the base, and subbed !
I would definitely name them after a flower.. like dahlia or daisy. or something like glasslily !

faved this and base, and I already subbed! If I had to choose a name I think Anye (I heard it means glass/ornament) and I have a story that I think they'd fit well in, it's hard to explain in a comment tho :) (I did 2 extras of +5 I think)

Faved both + all the adopts + subbed

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Entering! Faved all adopts and the commissions list! (12)
Thank you so much for the opportunity!

entering+have comms and all adopts faved!

total should be 13 :D

Faved all that needed to be!

faved base, adopts, commissions and character, also subbed!

faved this+the base, already subbed here and following on tumblr, and faved your adopts/commissions too!!

I think this design is GORGEOUS!! I would give them the name Rium (short for Terrarium) and use them as an undertale/deltarune character!!


The name and the story I would give for this character... I would probably name them Lotus, or Serenity, a name associated with calm. As for the story, in my headcanon, they are a water elemental exploring a seemingly absent land without life.

+ bulletin ( w/image (+5)
+ Faved all adoptables and commission (+11)
+ Commented on the comic (+3)
+ Gave what name and backstory idea (+5)

Total tickets: 24

Thank you for this raffle! Also good luck to all who entered.

(Edit: I did not realize this was a glass creature. Everyone else says it's a glass creature. I'm still probably going to think that this is a water creature lol)

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Faved both and I’m already subbed!

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faved this and the base and im already subbed :3

Faved this, already had the base faved and already subbed!

Did the required! Thnak youbso much!!

so prettyyy!!
faved this and the base and already subbed!
faved all the adopts and already had the commissions faved
Thanks for the chance!^^


Fav your adopts and fav this post

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Already subbed and faved the base!! I love this character design, Tysm for the opportunity!!

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I’d probably name them something fancy like Beatrice or something a lot less fancy like ballz until I thought of something better [I was already subbed and I faved the raffle and the base!]

did entry + shared (3) + faved adopts and comms (12) + already following tumblr (same username) (3)

honestly off the top of my head i consider the name amber just because of the flowers trapped in the glass (2) , storywise i definitely feel like id slightly tweak them and then drop them into my su au as a corrupted gem :] they just fit the vibe (3)

in total should be 24 entries but lmk if i miscounted :]

Did the required stuff, this is such a neat little guy ^^

Did required + faved 2 adopts (teeny rat & bitter candy) + fav commissions + made Bulletin! (with image but idk if it counts) + I would name them Erata! And make them a companion to my cyborg character and have them be rouge bots together!
So in total - 12 (with image counting) 10 (without it counting), ty for the opportunity!

Entering aaa

glass characters have to be one of my favorite types of designs of all time 😭😭 i kind of want to make this guy a dnd character of some sort... maybe a bard 🤔 entering!



Did all required! As well as faving all adopts and commissions! <3

Did all required! ^_^

entering +1
faved all ur adopts (+11) and ur commissions (+1)
name would be Davik (meaning divine) (+2), he's was a cave dweller, dying from glass impaling his back, he woke up with a new form (+3)

total = 18

Entering! +1

I think I'd name them Azazel! Kinda like the Azalia flower :0✨ +2

For a story I think they'd be used as a guardian to watch over another one of my ocs! Sorta like a gaurdian angel but more so an oc wanders around a forest and comes across this cave of runes and magic of sorts, and, long story short, they come across Azazel and is frightened at first tho quickly realizes that they mean no harm ^^✨ +3

favorited this and the base and im already subbed ^^

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favorite this - base - commissions and adopts and i'm already subbed! :D

This is by far my favourite design you’d made for a raffle! I really hope I have a good chance.
I did all the required, faced all your adopts and commissions, and I would name this character Hyacinth :) 

Adopts- faved all 11 (11)
Commission-Faved (1)
Name-Orchid (2) (5)

AAAAA I love your beautiful design!!!! :,3 I participate! I already gave fav to your adopts and commissions uwu!! I wish everyone luck waa

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Entry: Done

Adopts: Favorited all [+12]

Commissions: Favorited [+1]

Name: Bottanica  [+2]

Story: A very eager and curious greenhouse cat, commonly found helping botanists or druids in their gardens and watering plants with the holes that appear in their palm beans and the tip of their tail. A big ol watering can catto basically ^^ [+3]


[Total Pts: 23] 

Faved and already subbed!


- Faved comms and all adopts

- Followed on tumblr and reblogged (alepj17) 

- For the name i'd go with Murano! They remind me of the glass that's made there ^^

Should be 20 entries in total! 

Favorited my adopts and commissions [+2[

Already rated, 5/5 commented on a d subscribed to your comic [+10]

Following your tumblr, already reblogged an artwork there [+5]

I think I'd name them Saglow! [+2]

Faved this and the base, already a sub!

Reposted in tumblr and subbed (im mastergingler)

As for a name I think i would name him, Florence, im not very imaginative for names u-u but i think it would be pretty, as for a story.

He is the kind of character that loves to help other and has good luck, he can grow any type of flower our of his body and likes to give them to those feeling down also even without a face its easy to know how he is doing his flowers will look dry and sad when he isnt feeling well or his mood is bad, and they will look bright when he is happy and healthy.

Will edit to count the numbers.

I think is +11.

(1 for entering, 5 for the tumblr and 5 for the name and story)

faved and already subbed! Faved 2 other adopts and comms!

Faved and already subbed.
Faves all adopts and commission (5 adopts and commission was already faved)

Followed Tumblr and reblog
I would name them Helen (they look like yellow Helenium flower) and they would be a florist that search and study ancient flowers and plants. Also knows herbal medicine and teaches it to others in university.

Did the required I'd name them Lunair (3 in total)

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OOO so pretty <33

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS LAD??? erm um I am obsessed with glass characters, I'd probably have him interact/be in stories with other glass guys of mine. He's giving King, in terms of nameage.

faved this, the base, already subbed, 12 favs for adopts and commissions, and named. In total should be 15 entries!

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This user is not visible to guests.

Faved this and the base and im already subbed!

This user's account has been closed.

subbed and faved all!
(sorry if I already commented, i couldn't find it!)

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This user is not visible to guests.

Did required [+1] Faved all adopt + comms [+12] and followimg on tumblr [+3] (my user is @loooser-sketches)

Total tix: 16

Faved this character & the base, also faved three adopts! already subbed ^^

I'd name him Zero 


faved this character, already had the base faved, already subbed!

faved all adopts and commision!

i'd name them lotus :]

Did required! As well as favourited your adopts, commissions, following you on Tumblr already + RBed an artwork of yours under threedeemensional.

If I got this guy I'd name them Rain! Short for Terrain. They'd be an AI that tends to a digital garden in an Internet world!

In total, that should be 18 tickets!

Done! Was already subscribed to you and had your base faved ^^

Thank you for the chance!

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This user is not visible to guests.

faved this guy + already had a base faved, and was already subbed!! tysm for the chance <33

also posted a bulletin [without image] !!

Did basic entry and faved 4 adopts! I’d make them the spirit of home, a kindhearted spirit which smells of your favorite thing(s). It whistles childhood tunes and crafts memories! 

Faved some awesome adopts, and your commissions!  Already was subbed!

Thanks so much for this chance! This dude is SUPER amazing!