
tumblr_pbqx5giQrC1v96p1go1_540.gif"I don't wanna be carrying the weight on my shoulders. Death has come to me, kissed me on the cheek, gave me closure."


Queen Nymphia
Female // She/Her // Pansexual, Demisexual


Queen Nymphia is the queen of the sprixies, leading and ruling over the worlds of the sprixie kingdom with her 7 daughters, the sprixie princesses [Rose, Blossom, Pansy, Hydrangea, Periwinkle, Lilac, and Viola]. She is a fairy with a heart of gold, caring for each and every creature she meets with a warm smile and a gentle touch, friend or foe. She is incredibly calm and collective, often choosing to use wisdom and logic before brute force. Her elegance and sweetness know no bounds as she floats around fairy gardens with the scent of honey dew and flower boquetes naturally lingering in her presence, her colorful wings illuminating patterns of bright rainbow lights from the shining sun.

She met the Mario brothers after Bowser's takeover of the Sprixie Kingdom [SM3DW], in which she was sealed away by Bowser in a glass jar along with her daughters. Once freed after their battle with Meowser, Nymphia thanked Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad for their help, assigning them as honorary heroes of the Sprixie Kingdom. She still sees them from time to time and will often drown them in gifts along with other Sprixies for their heroics.

Queen Nymphia is good friends with Princess Peach and the other princesses before the encounter with Bowser, only hearing about him and the Mario brothers from them. The Sprixie princesses as well like to accompany her from time to time as they greatly cherish the bond they have with their mother.

Queen Nymphia herself, despite how kindhearted she may be, is in a semi-secretive love affair with King Boo, the ghastly ruler of ghosts. The two met each other when Nymphia had begun taking in some stray boos that had gotten lost during Bowser's invasion of the kingdom. They could not stay out during the day due to harsh sunlight being dangerous to them, so Nymphia offered to keep some in her castle to treat them and send them back off homeward when night arrived. King Boo had eventually heard of the whimsy the boos were getting into, so he eventually went on over himself at night to investigate the sprixie kingdom. Upon seeing Nymphia for himself, the king fell for her and attempted to pursue her for himself, and Nymphia, seeing the beauty in every living thing, accepted those feelings in return. Everyone is skeptical of their relationship working out, but the two seem to adore each other immensely without regard of the criticism. Nymphia just wishes King Boo wasn't as cruel to Luigi.
