Cecil Newton Wright


Basic Info

Full Name

Cecil Newton Wright






Anthro Domestic Cat


Cecil is highly intelligent, having skated through school quite quickly due to how advanced he is intellectually. He is very diligent and hardworking when it comes to what he loves, which is robotics. Whenever he is working on one of his projects, he becomes super-focused on seeing the project through and hardly breaks for anything, so he is often reliant upon friends and family to remind him to take a break. Cecil is very inventive and creative, he likes thinking outside the bubble and challenging himself to do better. He's always looking to find ways to improve something and make it better. Cecil has a very big heart, many of his inventions were created to help people and improve other's lives. He lives by a strong code of ethics when it comes to his inventions, he flat out refused to make anything for causing harm to others.
Cecil is a robotics scientist who specializes in robotics. He was tricked into helping on a project that would lead to the creation of a species that would later become known as Flashlighters.