
Wryn Bewick


Name Wryn
Nicknames Birdie, Dumb Bird, Ghost-Bird
Age 19
Gender Non-Binary
Race Bewick's Wren
Role ???
Alignment Chaotic Good
Theme Song link


  • Screaming
  • Vega
  • Cheese
  • Snow


  • Heights
  • The Dark
  • Small Spaces

A small bird who mysteriously appeared in the manor one day. Some residents belive they are a ghost. Wryn is commonly seen wandering the manor and cleaning, or spending time with their alleged girlfriend, Vega.


As you would have assumed, Wryn is not a ghost. They were merely a homeless bird who managed to slip past the manor's "impenetrable security" known as Sunny. They hid out in the attic for several weeks before being caught stealing food from one of the upstairs kitchens, and simply behaved as if they lived there- no questions were asked and they seem to have simply integrated themselves into the household. They get food and sleep, and the Foxx family gets a clean manor.

Unhinged Cheese Aggressor

Wryn's past involves them having been in a rather unsafe and unhealthy environment. The young bird was recently forced to leave an orphanage they had spent most of their life in. There, they had been tormented both for their naturally small size and their unnaturally twiggy body- thanks to being too short for the people giving out food to see them. This history with bigger people has caused them to be mildly aggressive when anything about their size is mentioned. They also have a tendency to become mildly violent at the mention of gender, habitually throwing anything in their hand if it's brought up. Many passerby of the downstairs kitchen have had random slices of cheese fall on them from the ceiling due to this.

A Genuine Friend

Despite Wryn's aggressive behavior towards certain things, they are a truly good person...they were never asked to keep house, but seeing how busy the Foxxes were took it upon themself to do so. They also quickly warmed up to one of the biggest family friends; Vega Hooktail...after trying to run her off in concern she was breaking in during a DoorDash delivery. As long as you're a huge nerd and don't bring up their height, it should be easy to befriend Wryn. They are fiercely protective of those they care about, and having a pint-sized fury ball on your side is one heck of an advantage if your enemies have exposed ankles.


  • Vega gave Wryn a Camp Half-Blood anklet on their first date, it has a single bead on it.
  • Wryn wears a Sharktooth necklace that they keep hidden under their shirt.
  • Wryn is approximately three and a half feet tall.
  • During the days Wryn was in the attic, they would occasionally play very old music on a record player they found. Willi was convinced there was a ghost. Sunny didn't help.
  • Wryn doesn't talk much, but when they do it's either almost unintelligible, or VERY loud. Usually when they're loud they also throw something.



Vega Hooktail [ Girlfriend ]

"You know those stories about people falling in love with the pizza delivery boy? Yeah, well I fell in love with the DoorDash girl. After trying to rip her face off because I thought she was an intruder. Turns out she's good friends with the people who own the manor, so I guess I win?"


Kia Foxx [ Landlord?? ]

"I don't really know what Blue Cat is to me, they give me food and in exchange I clean their massive house. I don't talk to them, so it's hard to tell if they actually like me or if it's a way to keep me from leaving."


Willi Archer [ ??? ]

"Yellow Cat better hurry up and marry Blue Cat. He's been carrying the ring around for months, and I'm getting this close to telling them for him so he stops setting random things on fire."