Leshy Cloverfield



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Lawful Good / Chaotic Neutral (when transformed)








Barbarian (Path of the Beast)


5 (Current)


Variant Human

Game Started:

April 30th, 2023

Game Ended:

Still Going On. . .




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Leshy, The Beast 
Aspect of Silvanus

" I need to help the village! "

This is the original backstory given to my dm for this game, a few changes were added later to her story, but this is the jist of it: 

Leshy is a milk maid who lives in a small elderly prominent farming village on Faerun. She would spend her days tending to her cows and delivering milk to her neighbors. As of late, her neighbor’s livestock have been found eaten and mauled by a strange animal during the night. Meanwhile, her cows have remained completely safe. The town, scared and plagued with this issue, have recently hired more guards and have asked Leshy to check the other towns to see if they are having the same issue. Leshy has taken her milk cart and her bull, Bussy and started her journey. 

In reality, Leshy had been transforming during the night due to a curse and has been mauling her neighbor’s cows. Her community is horrified at this and instead of causing conflict, sends her off in hopes to keep the monster away. She thinks she is leaving to ask for help, when in reality, they are hoping she is to leave and hopefully never return. 

Prompt (was given to all party members):

Your journey as an adventurer begins on your way to Stormwreck Isle, located off the coast of Faerun in the Sea of Swords. Legend has it that when Bahamut, the God of Dragons, and Tiamat, his greatest draconic nemesis, were brought into the world, the eternal conflict between the metallic and chromatic dragons began. So when the red dragon Sharruth ravaged the Sword Coast in ancient history, three metallic dragons, the bronze dragon Astalagan, the gold dragon Clyssavar, and the brass dragon Turadaer, rose up and imprisoned Sharruth beneath the ocean floor. It is said that from Sharruth’s raging fire Stormwreck Isle was formed.

You, adventurer, have a reason to be here no? Perhaps you feel a mysterious connections to the dragons from legend? Or maybe you feel lost in life and seek them for guidance and direction? Could you be looking to find what secrets this seemingly remote island holds? Or is there something else that brings you here?

Leshy is seeking the dragons for help, she thinks of asking them to destroy the monster that is hurting her village.

Leshy is a genuinely kind and considerate person, she loves her animals and her neighbors and never would ever think of harming them. She tends to be a bit airheaded at times, but she truly does mean well. She was raised by her grandmother to be a very loving and open person, so she finds it rather easy to make friends and tends to enjoy being in others company. When she transforms, however- she is almost the opposite of these descriptions, almost animal like and unpredictable. (This transformation is only when she rages, and she has no recollection of this behavior.)


Greataxe -  5ft Reach, 1d12+ 2 + 4 slashing
Leshy is a barbarian, and uses her greataxe to get anything and anyone out of the way. 

Unarmed Strike - 5ft Reach, 3 + 4 bludgeoning 

Relationship(s): DM WAS GIVEN NUMBERS FOR THIS CAMPAIGN (5) being the DM Could do whatever with them, and (1) being that the dm couldn't touch them.

Bussy (1) - Bussy is Leshy’s pet bull, she brings him with her everywhere. She talks about him as if he was her child, which he sorta is because she raised him. He is just a bull. :)

‘GranGran’ Elenore Rose (5) - One of the heads of the farming village, she was the one to come up with the idea for sending Leshy away and summoning the guard. Loves her village deeply and would do anything to keep them safe. (not related to Leshy, the town just calls her grangran.) She is trying to end the curse by getting her grandson to kill Leshy- or praying the dragons kill Leshy.

Granny Wennie (3)- Leshy’s grandmother who was previously cursed. She is currently unwell but resides at Leshy’s farm. Leshy misses her dearly and doesn’t know of her current condition.

Pine Morbin (4) - A sensitive girl that Leshy hired to take care of Wennie and the cows. She is a little shaken up as of late, but refuses to leave her job. (Pine definitely narked on Leshy to the town)

Damien Rose (3.5)- GranGran’s grandson who is a paladin of Bahamut, who was sent in to guard the town. Grangran had tried to set up him and Leshy before the whole like- cows eaten thing. Takes his job super seriously, and is extremely righteous. (Leshy doesn’t know much about him so go wild with this)

Sesha - Leshy has a lot of respect for people who take charge, and people who can build themselves from the ground up. Sesha’s collections are so interesting and full of things Leshy has never seen before! Lesh looks up to Sesha and believes that Sesha is really looking out for the group, but she also tends to think that Sesha can be quiet childish when it comes to how she picks on Uvirith. This isn’t a problem though, she thinks this is because Sesha never had siblings. All and all, she thinks highly of the smol snake lady. She wants to talk with Sesha more, and ask her about the pretty things she’s come across- but worries she may not have as many interesting tales to share with someone who has seen so much and carries such beauties around her. 

Elros- Leshy truly believes all people are good, for the most part. So yes, while Elros does kinda give off a shady and not the friendliest vibe she really thinks it’s a front because he’s scared to be gentle with others. She believes they would get along though, and she knows that he probably didn’t have the easiest life- it makes her sort of feel for him. Leshy is also secretly hoping Uvirith and Elros can get along better, as she believes the tension may be stressing Maria. This isn’t her problem though. After all, sometimes people simply do not get along. She thinks he probably needs time to open up. While Elros is sort of an enigma and she’s rather sure he would never speak to her on his own, she hopes he stays around so she can talk to him a bit more- even if it’s a one sided conversation, with her doing all of the talking, she’d be happy! 

Rubicante- Rubicantes’s odd behavior never really bothered Leshy, after all she tends to be quite the oddball herself. She is thankful for him believing her weird dreams, and takes solace in the idea that someone else is also experiencing something similar to her in the group. She worries that she does scare him though, as every time the party asks him to do something with her- Rubi brings up her size and how he cannot do much. She doesn’t take any offense though, and would honestly like to hear more about the lil fella’s story. She wants to speak with him, not only about the dreams but about what he does for fun and where he came from- maybe share stories about herself too! Just anything so she can speak with him more. 

Uvirith- Leshy is almost positive Uvirith is one of the smartest people out there, not that she would really have much to base this on. She’s never really met nobles, so Uvi is kinda her first experience with one and so far so good! She thinks he’s rather easy to fluster and honestly would love to ask him so many questions about what he knows and what he studied- but for some reason she has this odd feeling that he’s a little nervous around her. She writes this off as him being inexperienced with others, and doesn’t take this to heart! Surely over time they can bond, she’s sure of it! Honestly she’d love to ask about his research in dragons, and see if he would talk to hours on end about it, she certainly wouldn’t mind, in fact she’d think it’s rather cool. 

Indrik - Leshy is unsure if it was his sudden arrival or the fact that he had been searching for her monster form that made her a little reluctant toward Indrik. Whatever the case, she is actually quite intrigued and yet sort of scared of the guy. While she was unsure of his intentions, she has decided that after the chat the two had outside of the shack with Keylan, that he may be someone who may actually be able to help her. She isn't fond of him killing livestock, and she does fear that he may get into trouble if left to his own devices- but Indrik seems like a nice person and she is hoping he finds it comfortable enough to stay with their group. Perhaps he may not even be so scary after all, who knows. 

As of Sunday May 14th, I found out she consumed a mind flayer and that worries me.
Update: As of July 23rd the mind flayer thing HAS gotten worse and now is haunting her dreams. I am deeply worried.
Update: As of November, the THING haunting her dreams in fact, IS WORSE. ITS VERY REAL. AND IM STRAIGHT UP SCARED NOW.

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