harvests star weaver



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info

design notes

heavy [but friendly] spider imagery. 6 spots around eyes a meant to resemble the 8 eyes of a spider, patch of leg-like markings around one eye, spiderweb whiskers + lashes, and pointed back pattern + variety of grass stalks in fur both meant to resemble the legs of an insect. little fangs on upper lip are NOT optional, meant to mimic the fangs and chelicera of real spiders.

design notes but make it number 2

side note. the grass stalks stuck in their fur ARE NOT mandatory. especially because half the time i don’t feel like drawing them myself if i have to work around their accessories or if i’m just. lazy . the “stalks” in harvester’s braids ARE NOT OPTIONAL though !!! they’re not random grain stems, those are grass twine ribbons to keep their braids tied :3

commissioned worth



what important info is there about this silly little lad before i cave and give them a code

harvester - they/them - traveling craftscat
harvey is a spunky, excitable moggie who specializes in herbal crafts. they work with the colony doctor, hollow, an ex-nomad who settled down in the kinn after escaping her own home. hollow and harvester look at each other as more than just mentor and pupil, but almost as mother and child. harvey feels very much to her like the kit she was never allowed to have, and harvest revels in hollow’s vast knowledge and her care in teaching and treating.

harvey collects and raises bugs and spiders, carefully culturing their own colonies of silkworms and orbweaver spiders. through careful practice— and learning how to use rudimentary tools— over their years, they’ve learned how to braid and weave hairs, furs, wild fabrics, and grasses: fashioning clothings and tools for their kinmates. harvester is absolutely fascinated, almost enamored, by the abandoned culture of the two-legs that walked the colony lands before the cats arrived. they’ve spent almost their entire life studying the remnants of this “human” society that came before them, trying to reverse engineer and refit what the two-legs have left behind for themself and their kinmates to use as it fits them. their ventures have also aided in the colony’s domestication— and in some cases, redomestication— of certain plants for medical use, food and sustenance, and in some cases, as deliberate cover foliage.

harvey is an absolute social butterfly— bug pun fully intended— and loves to make new friends and buddies. even with outsiders and rogues! ...even when the colony isn’t exactly fond of harv making friends with them. ESPECIALLY when the colony isn’t fond of it, actually.

voiceclaim [pippin; lotr]