
1 year, 4 months ago


info wip

Name: Elok Fauzi

Aliases: --

Gender: Female

Age: ~25

Affiliation: Contrabel

Powers: she can control water

Skills: She is very skilled in many different martial arts

Personality: Elok is fairly calm and collected, at least when compared to most of the other higher ranking Contrabel members. She's pretty difficult to annoy, and even when she is irritated, she's good at not letting it get to her. One thing that does annoy her, however, are pointless and stupid fights and arguments. For this reason, along with her mostly unbiased nature, she usually gets stuck mediating and resolving arguments between people around her. She's good at balancing following orders and doing what she thinks is right, though it helps that most of the time these two things align. She places a high value on human life and is more than willing to put herself at risk to save others, being likely to prioritize saving people over killing a Bel.

Family: --

Friends: --

Enemies: Bel(the monsters threatening the world)


-She usually gets stuck mediating most arguments between Ael and Leuruna during meetings and doesn't like it

-Prefers fighting with martial arts over using weapons, but if she has to use a weapon, it would be with a triple staff/three-part staff

-Mostly oversees things related to the marine Bel, having to take on underwater missions on a regular basis

Design Notes:

-Most of her clothes aren't symmetrical

-The beads on her clothes aren't connected to the beads in her hair

-Her sleeves usually cover her hands

-Her sleeves are symmetrical, excluding the Contrabel badge on her right arm (our left)

-Pretty average height, but on the taller side