Nalani Kalone



8 years, 7 months ago


| Name: | Nalani Kalone

| Race: | Rito

| Age: | 27

| Appearance: | A slim Rito of unusual appearance despite his harsh trade. White hair cascades from his scalp in waves, shaping around his face in an unearthly aura. Cruel fate cursed the man with a stature of only five feet furthering comments of his femininity. Lips that scowl, plush and beckoning stun many an enemy. A figure of grace, untouched and unmarred at first glance bears scars closer to his heart. Tales of near-death and swift escape cries-cross his chest and legs. Feathers to match hair, white as gulls across coast and soft as a Cuccos' breast. Garments resemble that of the generic Rito guard, albeit with several alterations. Modified for a greater range of movement and procurement of weapons. Several pouches filled with various volatile materials are sewn into the cloth to provide a quick escape from lethal situations.

| Home: | Snowpeak Mountain

| Biography: |

No one thought any two people were more in love than that of Meloni and Jecht. Meloni: a respected disciple of the Wind Temple and an exemplary example of the gentleness of the Rito. And the man that lived the dream, a respected member of his clan tasked with the most dangerous of deliveries. The tales of their meeting were that of fantastic exaggeration. The story most closely tied to the truth begins with an urgent delivery straight through the heatscape of Goronia. A dangerous region for any Rito, Jecht took it with pride and steeled himself for the task. The journey was arduous, lasting several days, depriving him of water and consciousness many a time. When he seemed closest to death, he arrived only barely guided by the spirit of Valoo into the safety of the Wind Temple. Upon wakening he encountered her face. One like many others, yet struck a chord within him. There was something more in those eyes. That something was difficult to draw from the demure lady, and it took many years for them to be more than just friends or close acquaintances. It grew slowly as good things do, untiring and sure. They wed in spring, beneath the cool winds with Valoo's grace bestowed upon them. It was oft said that any offspring would serve as one of the finest mailmen or perhaps even greater, an adventurer.

Misfortune dashed across those dreams in the form of a raid of bandits, crossing the mountains in pursuit of glory. Left in its wake was the death of a well-loved wife and an empty space where a child once was. One of the members a Gerudian female, took in the baby with the ultimate goal of raising it to be a strong member of the bandits. Her fellow companions laughed at her sentiment but stilled at the wrath of their leader. For years Nalani knew nothing but a small cave and his mentor Kanoa. No family, little love. Only his blood spilt as he worked harder and harder toward some unknown goal. He helped strangers, always strangers with various tasks, such as raids,stocking and strategizing till his hands bled. They saw something in him, something they called "tactical prowess" . He could not fathom it on even his sharpest of days. Fitted with a collar he sometimes fought along with them until they could retrieve the spoils and then abandoned. Loneliness festered in him, becoming apprehension, and soon hate. How could he learn to fly with such clipped wings? His ambition knew no focus, only that something needed to be done, but not knowing what. Freedom shone against a forgotten blade, left behind at night, piercing the heart of his mentor by dawn. He knew no guilt then, only the clean breeze of fresh air. The heady rush of adrenaline faded as his hunger rose, he started to hunt, using what she had taught him. His path was wild, dripping with solitude and the blood of the dead he hunted. Soon even the beasts could not satisfy him. He wanted more, always more. Stumbling upon society was not his intention, for he had finally learned to fly. It was only chance that had landed him in the capital, bewildered by stone and the cuffs around his hands when he was arrested for public indecency. Resistance was futile, he knew as much from his teachings about "the law". He cared not for the pedestrian life he was told to hunt in his earlier years, but yet did not want to become what he had been taught to be. His first words were an inquisition on where he could kill something. A few days later he was directed to the nearest guild, and then told they did not accept his kind before shoving him out the door with a few rupees for compensation. Considering going back out in search of something more threatening than the civility surrounding him, he encountered a thief upon his person and promptly thrust a blade its skull. He caught the attention of the guild that a few days ago had shunned him and was swiftly indoctrinated into the ranks. Caring not for alliance, he went along simply for the action he was promised. Disappointment rarely crossed his mind in the years that followed. Every few days a fresh new target, each unique and exciting in their own ways. Even being assigned for a quest as the guild's representative presents its own challenge, one which Nalani is sure he will savor.



| Weaponry: |

Sword Breaker: A high quality long dagger used to combat common sword users. It has multiple grooves that when caught, can break a sword with a swift twist. A difficult weapon to use, Nalani still has many difficulties using it on its own and find it needs repair more often than a regular dagger due to its specialized grooves.

Kanoa: A Dirk used in conjunction with the sword breaker for piercing power, standard issue from the guild. Average quality steel with a leather strap hilt. Has no guard and is useless in a defensive sense. Named after his mentor, it shares the harsh edge and brutality of it's namesake.

| Additional Equipment: |

Caltrops: Four-sided spikes meant to deter pursuers and surprise enemies. Always lands with one point facing upwards.

Smoke Bombs: Hidden in the pocket sewn into his uniform, these are a last resort, as their are very few and he does not have the knowledge to make more.

Food and Drink: Satchel containing 3 day's rations and a canteen of water. Food is mostly dried and salted meats.


| Skills & Talents: |

Hunting: Nalani was taught to survive by himself at a very young age, albeit unwillingly.

Fighting Style: He fights usually by tactics, using the area around him to his advantage when he cannot outright eliminate an enemy. Not afraid to back away from fights to recuperate and plan a better approach.

Flight: Minor skills because his wings were constantly clipped while they were forming. He is able to fly by himself for some time, but cannot bear the weight of others.

-A very limited knowledge of geography makes him most often lost when he does not plan ahead.

-Has very little sense of smell.