Jebediah (Jebediah (Escape The Identity))



6 years, 1 month ago


Jebediah is a cyborg grown and constructed on planet Intelligentia. He is augmented with enhanced hearing and eyesight for collecting data,and armed with a radioactively-recharged rifle and one handed sword for self-preservation and combating Identity Minions. he was constructed with lightweight materials to emphasizes evasion, stealth, and quick reflexes for survivability. Prefers to use his rifle in combat scenarios and keep his distance from adversaries. 

- He is a hybrid clone of many different amounts of alien genes, but the majority is about 35% human genetics.  

- He has four fingers instead of the human five. The glove on his left hand can be used to input signals to machines on contact. 

-Jebediah doesn’t talk (no mouth) but he uses a computer generated voice to communicate when he needs to (but he finds it a little embarassing). He is calm and puts a lot of thinking into decisions, but he switches to a faster processing mode when in high-intensity situations, which causes his mind to work at double speed. However it uses more energy, requiring him to "recharge" after battles. He doesn't really know how to relax, so if told to wait he will either stand in one spot as long as required, or he can sit down and put himself into a “stand-by” stasis mode which he also uses to recharge. He doesn't get restless or feel a need to do anything other than his purpose that he was created for; he has no hobbies or activities he likes to do. Because of his partially human DNA, he can create emotional bonds to other beings.

- Intelligentia housed and maintained a server containing one of the largest encyclopedias in the universe, as well as a clone factory to maintain its defenses. Eventually their clone industry was funded and supported by the Protectorate to assist in combating the Identity.

-As battles against the Identity continued with seemingly no end, DNA reserves were gradually extinguished, and fewer clone chambers were activated. Jebediah was created as a last resort with the remaining amount of bio materials available, even consisting of conflicting dna, requiring bionic components to become complete. The Motherboard uploaded all of its encyclopedic data in an encrypted zip file into Jebediah's mental computer - Then, the Motherboard used the last of the planet's power reserves to send Jebediah to the future, calculating as best as it could, the time when the universe would be safe. However, only shortly after, the Identity was sealed by the Protectorate. 

-Jebediah ended up centuries in the future, coincidentally, the time when the Identity was released. After finding Chel-Sara in the sealed void, he learned that the Protectorate has not been heard from in years. The CDIN A.I. has since decoded the data, and is waiting for the Protectorate replacement to arrive so Jebediah and Chel-Sara can deliver the data to the Protectorate to find a suitable planet to house the data.


The life support system is powered by the many wires around his body, utilizing his body chemistry. Other wires transmit his thoughts and data from an internal computer located in the center of his brain. The wires are made up of a very strong and thick metal that is slightly flexible, and run on the outside of his clothing. His blood is also filled with millions of microbots that perform maintenance on his biological and mechanical parts. The microbots enable him to survive while they attempt to repair any damage or detached wires and help recharge the rest of his mechanics after battles.

Personal Stance: Heroic Neutral: Will do whatever possible to aid in the capture of the Identity. While the Motherboard made his sole mission to protect the data the Motherboard of Intelligentia and did not program him with any allegiances.