
6 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Female

Race: Human

Skin: White

Age: 23

Height: ~5'10"

Hair Color / Style: Light Chestnut, long and slightly wavy

Eye Color: Blue

Sarah, along with her brother, Connor, is one of very few humans with innate magical abilities. Her unique ability to sense the auras of other people makes her both an asset to the angelic army and an insightful friend. Being the daughter of a pair of respected mages, Sarah is well versed in history and the arcane, and she's remarkably clever because of that. She's also a dead-eyed sharpshooter, trained extensively with a crossbow. She uses her auratic sense to position herself and differentiate far-away targets from their surroundings.

Sarah is just as dead-eyed outside of combat; she's quick to help others in need, usually while scolding them to be more careful. She often implies that she knows what's best for everyone, which sometimes puts her at odds with her brother and her best friend, Allen.