Ruby (My Time at Sandrock)



1 year, 1 month ago


Age: 25

Occupation: Builder

Birthplace: Highwind 

Hair color: Red (dyed; natural back)

Eye color: Honey

Height: 5’3” / 162cm

Weight: 63kg / 140lbs

Love Interest: Pen (broke up),  Logan

Other info:

  • Quiet at first
  • Very good at listening and keeping conversation going 
  • Generous
  • Loves cooking
  • Loves children
  • Animal lover
  • Competitive
  • All-around knowledge
  • Empathic
  • Naive
  • No sense of directions
  • Somewhat reckless

Quick background:

Ruby was born and raised in Highwind. Known for her all-round expertise, she seldom stays at one job for too long due to her constant desire to learn new skills. With that in mind, she accepted the builder job in Sandrock thinking it might be exactly what she needed.


  • Mother? Cornelia (60f) Ruby’s mom is retired and currently lives by herself in Highwind. She neglected Ruby a lot due to her flagrant favoritism towards her brother. She favored his stability and his future already paved from the beginning, compared to Ruby who would constantly change her pursuits in a short amount of time due to her curious nature to learn new things. Her mother would always call her irresponsible and immature. Would constantly compare her to her father for being unstable. Current relationship: Distant, rarely seeks news from her daughter.
  • Father? He left the family when she was very young for unknown reason, she still holds a grudge against him as of today. Current relationship: Resentment.
  • Sibling(s)? Carnelian (27m). She grew up sparring a lot with him, probably the only family member she was very close to. He is a very skilled fighter, currently a member of the Flying Pigs living in Lucien. Current relationship: Less close than before now that both of them are constantly busy and apart, they would keep each other’s news at least once a month. 
  • Family struggled a lot financially since the father’s departure, and their mother would encourage Carnelian’s future more than Ruby’s, forcing her to fetch jobs solely for good money. Carnelian would strongly object but Ruby tells him she doesn’t mind as he, unlike her, knows what he wants to do with his future and it wasn’t as bad as it sounds as she at least gets to enjoy big money.

Before Sandrock:

  • Ruby grew up her whole life in Highwind. 
  • She worked at several diverse types of jobs.
  • Her latest job was at the Highwind Electric Company as engineer assistant despite their unethical mission.
  •  During her free time, she liked to see the labor work at a distance, wishing she could do it if it weren’t for the fact it looked so repetitive.
  • She liked to take the opportunity to learn all about their infrastructure and learn through her coworkers about the machineries around. 
  • She learned about the builder job offer at Sandrock ar work, and being already on the edge of wanting to start a new life, she applied and surprisingly got accepted. (probably Miguel purposely hired her without any actual experience as a builder, but unfortunately for him, she is a quick learner) 

In Sandrock:

  • She arrives with only a few bags, as she decided to bring enough money instead to buy everything else she needs on the spot. Realizes Sandrock resources are lacking. Oop.
  • Her shy nature when meeting new people for the first time, she focuses her first few weeks on her commissions and materials gathering.
  • Eventually warms up to the people in Sandrock, and doesn't necessarily dislike anyone in particular. She is used to bosses like Yan so she doesn’t care about him really, but does get frustrated at his behavior towards Mi-An.