Mary Anne



1 year, 1 month ago



Mary Anne (Usually just goes by Mary)


Gender: Female

Pronouns: she/her

Species: Human

Age: 10

Height: average

Build: average

Other: has adhd


A kiddo who was invited to a birthday party (one of those “invite the entire class” type things, she doesn’t have a ton of friends) at a certain infamous pizza place. Of course, after getting a bit overwhelmed by the noise and the other kids, she decides to wander off by herself and try to find more cool trinkets on the ground. A bad idea? Probably. Does she know that? Nope. Will she end up getting lost for a concerning amount of time? Absolutely.


Curious yet anxious child who tends to wander off when she gets overwhelmed. Terrible with directions and gets lost easily (has no idea how to read a map). Kinda terrified of getting in trouble but usually doesn’t realize she’s doing something against the rules until it’s too late. Messy hair, mismatched socks, will spill things on her clothes. Hates shoes but also dislikes being barefoot- will wear just socks anywhere she can. Likes to draw and play pretend- takes imagination games a ton more seriously than the other kids. (One time she turned a game of house into a bitter divorce.). Stuffs a ton of stuff into her pockets, especially cool rocks or neat looking junk she finds on the ground. Interestingly enough not afraid of heights and will climb up anything and everything is she feels like it.



Drawing Ideas: 

  • collecting things she finds on the ground
  • wandering around places she probably shouldn’t (and probably getting lost)
  • taking playing pretend way too seriously
  • climbing on things, the taller, more precarious, and more adult-concerning the better!
  • “Oh wow you have such an active imagination kiddo!” “I wasn’t imagining anything it really happened!! ” kind of exchanges
  • “Oh no I’m going to be in huge trouble” type panic
  • In mass attacks/with your ocs!!
  • Kinda made with the environment of security breach in mind but I could see her shenanigans at any location, I’m not picky