Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Characters displayed here are not for sale, trade, or any other kind of exchange.  
If you feel like a character is implied to be for sale or trade, you would be mistaken. 
Read above again. This is a blanket rule that encompasses all characters on my profile.

The permissions on the characters are for those thinking of attacking the characters on art fight. Think of the "Design Terms of Use" here as you would think of Art Fight's "Character Permissions", which are the permissions unique to each character.

Talking about Art Fight, there is art in the GALLERY portion of my profile that contains art of other peoples characters that I drew for them during Art Fight. These are their characters; I'm just the lass who attacked them on Art Fight. 
They have my permission to upload the art I made of their character to TH, and it shows up in my gallery because I am credited as the artist.

There will be gore. There will be horror. 

I'm talking blood, maybe some guts if I'm feeling feisty. but mostly blood

There may be things that make you uncomfortable.

Namely wholesome ships, a character that didn't get the memo that eating mummies is illegal now, and horror.

If I fav your characters, it just means I either recognise you from art fight or elsewhere, or just think your designs are neat. My faves here are not a "dreamy list" or what have you; its just a case of "I think this looks pretty". 

I have no interest in buying or selling characters.

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No thanks!