
6 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Male

Race: Angel

Skin: White

Age: 49

Height: ~6'2"

Hair Color / Style: Auburn, short and slightly spiky

Eye Color: Brown

Blake is Arryn's twin brother. Originally raised in the slums of Grandstead, Blake is an enterprising noble with a reputation for getting a job done efficiently and effectively, by any means. Through extensive social climbing at the expense of his family and anyone else in his way, Blake made it all the way up to King Aldwyn's royal guard, employed for his sword-fighting skill and vigilance.

A few years ago, he disappeared. It was rumored his absence was caused by tension between him and the rest of the royal guard. Recently, he's reappeared, with godlike power over fire that he didn't have before. He's been spotted working alongside the demonic army, likely hired for his inside knowledge of human activity.