
If anything happened to you...I couldn't bare it
_ moons

Lesbian ( )

Her family was killed in a fire when she was younger and she fell into heavy depression, wondering around with no will to live until she found her group. It was just a group of cats who stayed together for protection. The leader then let her join the group and she slowly found a small purpose in life and gained power in the group, eventually taking over when the leader died.

Then she found Shilo and her world was turned upside down. No matter what she did she couldn't stop herself when it came to Shilo. She fell in love with her but the feelings scared her. She was afraid that she would love someone just to lose them again. Shilo eventually convinced her to open her heart and they're happily mated now.

Confidence [ 90% ]
Charisma [ 20% ]
Honesty [ 50% ]
Diligence [ 80% ]
Intelligence [ 95% ]

  • Non blandit massa enim nec dui nunc mattis enim ut.
  • Convallis aenean et tortor at risus viverra adipiscing at in.
  • Et tortor consequat id porta.
  • Neque viverra justo nec ultrices dui sapien eget. Auctor elit sed vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo.
  • In fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent. Dictum non consectetur a erat.
design by SunsetSoda
Design Notes

  • Left eye has a scar.
  • Left eye is white because she's blind in it

Shilo Mate

When Shilo first came into her life, she treated her like anyone else, only speaking when needed. Eventually Shilo got a place in Shade's heart and she fell in love with her. After many miscommunications, arguments, and fights, they confessed their feelings to each other and realized the other felt the same.

Falcon Best Friend

When Shade first came to the group, she was determined to ice everyone out and only be there for the protection but Falcon would constantly come up to her and start up conversations until she eventually responded. She slowly started going to him when she needed help or just to talk.

It took a very long time for her to admit that Falcon was her friend and she relied and loved him. She didn't know what she would do without him though.