


1 year, 4 months ago



name Ivory
age ageless
gender she/her
height 70 cm at whithers
race jaguar
birthday nobody remembers
star sign cancer
occupation water spirit

Ivory is a gentle soul - maybe a bit of a loner, but always kind and patient. She is a "still waters run deep" type of a girl - not talking much and not seeking companionship either, but she happily shares wisdom and help if needed.

She travels a lot, because her tasks keep her on the move constantly, but she makes everything in her own pace, never rushing. Balance and peace are very important for her, being a water spirit she is tied to it very strongly. She rather thinks about herself like a peaceful creek and not like a stormy ocean: the creek is always on the move and forming it's enviroment, but never agressively.

Despite being incredibly old - she doesn't know how old she is exactly - she has no regrets. Even when she faced with loss, she knew that is part of life and she is part of the circle of life, even if she is immortal and has magical powers. She is not thinking outside the circle, but inside it, considers herself like a permanent element of the circle, which is always changing. She knows she has place in this world and knows exactly well what is her role.

She doesn't dwell on the past and not thinking about the future. She does remembers and thinks back to past events or wondering about what might happen in the future, but she is not worried about neither of them. She rather lives in the present and does what she can do or must do: her main priority to keep the circle of water on the go, creating balance and new life whenever iti s needed, but she can take it away as well and may she will if she has to. Blessing the land with rains and rivers run fully is only one side of the coin, but she also makes lands dry - the circle has a death part and she has to make sure this circle is never broken, so she gives and takes as well.


  • She is not good or bad spirit, she is part of nature that has both sides, good and bad.
  • Loner, but doesn't hate other creatures.
  • She is a supernatural being, cannot have family.
  • She is not exactly as old as water existing in this world - water were here way longer than she is, but she is old enough to see empires rising and falling.
  • She is part of our world, the human world.
  • She can manipulate water, in every form. (Hint: waterbender style you can see in Avatar (the series), just without the jumping.
Design Notes

  • She is a female jaguar, but her body type is leopard.
  • She has jaguar spots.
  • No spots where her piebald patches are.
  • Her design is cinnamon coloured seal-point siamese. Her darker ends are chocolate brown. The cinnamon base has colour variation in it - a bit darker brown on her shoulder and top of the neck. And her white spots are not white, it is light cream.
  • Eyes are blue.

Ivory doesn't have a huge history - as far as she can remember she roamed the land that she was assigned to it and ensured the endless circle of water is not broken. Brought rain to lands and took it away when and where it was needed.

It is not a coincidence she is a jaguar - she roams in South-America, but she is not alone. The continent and moreover the whole world would be too big for a single water spirit, so she is only responsible a "smaller" territory - which is still huge for a normal cat - and other spirits tend to other parts of the world. This means there are more than one water spirit are roaming on the land of the living - Ivory is simply one of them.

She thinks of the rest of the spirits as her family, labelling them as her brothers and sisters, but they are not blood related. She is a spirit, she cannot bring a cub to the world and she is aromantic by nature. She has friends, usually other sprits, because mortals die too quickly, but sometimes she makes friendly attachment to mortal creatures. Other animals can see her, ever since they are part of nature and Ivory is nature itself. Humans cannot - they cut ties of their origins way too long and closed themselves in cities and villages, they ripped themselves out of nature by force and cannot see the delicate balance that they are actively ruining with their actions.