AC / Feral's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

SpeckDoggo Global Rules

My design rules;

Keep in mind that I am a fairly chill person. Once I transfer the character to you, I realize I no longer own the design and pretty much have no obligation to stop you from doing anything - since the design doesn’t belong to me anymore.

I am not in control with what you do with my designs, this means you are welcome to do the following.

- retrade the oc /resell the oc ✅

- rename the oc / redesign the oc ✅

- create lore for the oc / change the ocs species ✅

ALTHOUGH. Even though I have no obligation to do anything and cannot stop you from the following, it would be nice if you could do these things.

- do not delete the oc ❌

- don’t use the oc to break ToyHouse guidelines❌

Other than that, you have free will. I cannot stop you from doing anything. Note I like to check in on my older designs from time to time