
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Hair color: Turquoise
Eye color: Indego
Tail Color: Blue
Sexual Preference: Straight
Loves: Exploring, not boundaries
Hates: Restrictions

Born in the Kingdom of Pedía, she was always the adventurous type of person, running around through the forests. One day, she encountered one centaur and one cowtaur that ran away from the kingdom. Slowly the 3 became friends and whenever she was on her walks, she would always try to chat with them. She was known in the kingdom for her tendency to gallop fast and listening to no one usually.
  By age 14, she kept not seeing them over and over. Until, she came across the cowtaur and bulltaur area, and saw the cowtaur she's been chatting with but looked sad. She then found out that the centaur that was with her was executed for this cross-species relationship. Months later, it was announced that no interactions with humans were allowed. She was getting more and more angry, seeing these not as means of hiding away and preventing development of the kingdom.
  Overtime, she was able to gather enough people and soon they all left before the kingdom became more strick. The group traveled to an area where they could both have a familiar setting and a far distance away from Pedía. Originally, they were going to elect her leader, but she declined thinking that she wasn't fit to rule. On a scouting run, she was killed by a soldier of Pedía following the group. He was quickly dealt with and the group decided to have the kingdom named after her, the Kingdom of Zaverist.