Rayne's Comments

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hi could i get them?? they have the exact design i’m looking for! for a post apocalyptic story! i hope it’s okay if i have them! i’d name them Rayne (spelt it wrong)! and they’d use they them pronouns! if that is okay! 

the story is post apocalyptic and it’s based on near a lot of water! so that’s why they wear that outfit! also let me know if you want me to write out some more i have planned i’d love to share!

you can get em !

thank you so much :)

does the character have a version that shows any more scars down the legs? im just wondering because it looks like the scar on their torso goes lower and if that’s a scratch or something they may have more

sorry for the late response, it’d probably go down their leg! you’d get the freedom to decide how scarring on covered areas would look, as i generally don’t design the full body if there’s clothes on them

okay thanks for letting me know! i was thinking of doing that! and maybe adding a bite mark on their other leg? maybe they were attacked by multiple things at once! i’m not sure!

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