PENDING's Comments

Did all <3

I will use this character as a sister of the character I link, cs xhe lonely and does not have any family

Thank you for entering and doing all of the extras as well, Lyla is so cute!! Your tickets are 13, 14, 15, and 16~

faved over 3 of ur outfit designs bc i really love them lol. I also wanted to share the BTA in a bulletin but idk how to do it 😭

Anyways tysm for the opportunity, truly a lovely design! I'd probably use her as a comfort character since she gives off such a motherly vibe and may put her in some books ^^

Oh whoa wow thank you so much! That means a lot to me <333 For the bulletin you just click the '+ submit' button and chose bulletin from there! Let me know if you end up doing it, I'll give you another ticket 💗

I totally see what you mean with the motherly vibe haha, nice idea. Your tickets are 9, 10, and 11~

ty ty! And I tried the bulletin but I don't think it worked. Do I have to put her in IC? And if so, how do I put other ppl's chara in IC?

you can just copy and paste the character’s link into the text box and hit submit! Bulletins are mostly just the same thing as posting updates for your followers so sharing the raffle thru bulletins will help other people see it basically haha

aaa okay ty ty! doing it rn then! :)

done ^^

Yayy thank you! Another ticket for you~ (12)

1 Replies

entering, subbed, faved 3 other adopts

i would use this character as a like, a fairy who guides people to safety and warmth (because i intend her to live in a winter part of my world)

ohh i love it, thank you for entering!

your tickets are 6, 7, and 8 💗

Entering, faved the BTA and this, subbed and commenting, I really like the dress and the palette, I’d love to fit her in a newer story so it’s not forced in :]

thank you so much for entering! and thank you, i love using pinks and purples haha

your tickets are 4 and 5!

Just faved pretzel and pearl!!!!  Also faved this and subbed <33

I’d definitely use this character as a magic teacher or a mage in my kingdom of Neolus story!  She’d teach young mages/witches many spells, probably more elemental spells!

Aww I love that idea, it sounds so fun! Thanks for entering!

Your tickets are 1, 2, and 3 💜