Maxine Yaegar



6 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Maxine Yaegar

Mermaid Name:

Emerald Stormfins







Birth Place:

The Ocean


Black (Natural) with blue highlights



Tail Colour:



Max, Maxi, Emmy

Special Notes:

Cannot gain legs.


Video Games, Anime, Pockys, Pretty much anything geeky.


Being teased over her tail, human sports, people who questions why she plays video games and other human stuff.



When she was at a young age, her mother decided to move to Tarathia. Tarathia is an island where humans and mermaids live together in harmony, and her mother wanted to ensure that she would grow up with a positive view of humans, and even make friends with them.

Maxine grew up around both mermaids and humans culture, and from an early age got into video games and even anime. Despite her love for human's geek culture, she does embraces being a mermaid and will spend time in the ocean, keeping a balance between her geek life and her mermaid life.

When she's on land, she'll often wear her hoodie or one of her many graphical t-shirts. However, in the ocean,  she'll wear her grey shell bra. However, she always wears her heart necklace. She often wears her shell bra even when on land. 

Name of the Mermaid

As Maxine was born as part of a nomadic mermaid pod, she was given a traditional mermaid name of "Emerald Stormfins" due to her bright green eyes, and the colour of her tail resembling that of storm clouds. However, when Maxine was 11 years old, as she has been spending time with humans, she started realizing that she didn't really like the name she was given as a mermaid, and wanted a name that sounded more human. So she took the name Yaegar from a book she was reading, and Maxine because it was among several names suggested to her by her best friend.

At first, her mother didn't approve of this new name because she felt like Max was abandoning her mermaid heritage, however, overtime, she accepted it as she realized that Maxine was happier living in Tarathia with her human friends. 


Tarathia has a long history of human and mermaids working together, for humans, it was only accessible by boat, as it is cut off from the mainland. It is somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean within the Caribbean region. The history of Tarathia started when a native tribe created a village on an island, after discovering that it had a great source of fruits. One day, a hurricane made landfall onto the island, which destroyed most of the tribal's homes and boats. In the aftermath of the storm, they discovered an injured mermaid dying on the beach. They took her into one of the few intact building and nursed her back to health using their herbal medicines. As a thanks, the mermaid promises to bring great boon to the tribe and return to the ocean.

It  was only a few days later when a pod of mermaids returned with a bunch of fish as a gift and helped rebuilt their boat. In return, the natives offered them fruits and vegetables. This began the strong relationship between these humans and the mermaids which endured even now.

The humans of Tarathia, some of the descendants of the tribes while others were from the mainland continued to work together and live together with the mermaids, while keeping the mermaids a secret from the rest of the humans.

At some point in time, both the mermaids and humans called the island "Tarathia" named after the mermaid goddess, Tarathia,  also known as Atargatis.