Sidney Thames



"What is with that reporter? You know the one, Cindy... Sweety.. Somethin' like that."

Sidney Thames is an eccentric and fast-talking news reporter in her late 20's. She grew up in one of those towns no one has ever heard of, and moved to Fargo in her early 20's where she was determined to make a name for herself. When she got her first reporter job, she did fine. Just fine, though, was not enough for her. As a pretty blonde lady, she was often objectified and hardly ever taken seriously by those around her. This, combined with the subpar views her segments would get, prompted her to leave the station after only having been there a few months. Sidney took to the next job she landed with a different approach; she wouldn't mince words, sugarcoat the stories she covered, or leave out any damning details. This approach ended up doing wonders for the station, as its viewership skyrocketed in just the first few weeks of her segments creation. Sidney specifically asked to cover topics considered too dark or taboo for other anchors to discuss, so she became known as the controversially cheery news reporter with too-white teeth. She was able to discuss grisly events all the while keeping a twinkle in her eye, which grew her audience exponentially, for better or for worse. Some few months after she began her second job, she was noticed in public while broadcasting, and was assaulted by a passerby who likely had an issue with her methods. They slapped her clean across the face on live television, and left a large scratch across it. To the attackers detriment, this only served to increase her views. All people could talk about for weeks was the incident, and to this day it is still one of the most commonly brought up moments when discussing wacky events in the town's history.