


1 year, 1 month ago


Ladybird. They/She

Wings of fire sona

ladybird, nicknamed bird by their friends, are a very interesting dragon. They have the blood of four different tribes, hivewings, silkwings, sandwings, and rainwings. their father, Orbweaver, was a hive/silk hybrid, and their mother was a sand/rain hybrid named fossa.

bird has the ability to spin silk from the barb on her tail. she also has acid in her fangs, but cannot spray them like rainwings, only injected in bites. another really cool thing about them is the fact that they have eight eyes, much like a spider. from her rainwing heritage, she has frills, a snake like body and the ability to change thr color of her scales, but only with very strong emotions. they also have swallowtail-looking ears and anntennae from their silkwing genetics.

ladybird is a snobby, sarcastic dragon, but is surprisingly very emperhetic. she tries to keep to herself most of the time, and only has a few close friends as shes been considered a "freak" by a lot of dragons theyve encountered when they were younger. they love to create little trinkets for their friends, like jewelry or clothing

(Design tips i forgot to include in reference) They have eight eyes, might be hard to see on reference. The underside of her wings are the same color as the sail/frills (the very light yellow/white).