[TA] Casey Kersey-Soliel



1 year, 2 days ago



"Insert a quote here."

  • AGE 25
  • SPECIES Horse/Crocodile
  • PRONOUNS He/him
  • ALIGNMENTS Fire/Metal
  • THEME Unknown
  • Casey was born in New Orum as the only child of Kerry Kersey-Soliel. He did not know his father as he left before he was born. He struggled pretty heavily to make friends growing up.
  • When he was a young adult, he left New Orum with his partner. Things seemed very okay for a while. He was studying to go to college for nursing while he worked part time. At some point, everything fell apart when his partner left him, taking all of the money they earned. It ended up with becoming a mercenary out of desperation.
  • During his last mission, he failed badly. He woke up in the hospital sometime later and was given the chance to fake his own death and start a new. Right now he has been taken to a remote island town with a ton of other people like him. His past came back to haunt him and he is currently trying to get back out mercenary work because, at some level, he knows his story can have a happy ending. He's already re-connected with his mom after faking his own death, and had finally made friends. He IS going to have his happy ending.
  • His powers allow him to create a sword out of molten metal. He can also bite through metal, which comes in handy. The biggest drawback to his powers causes him to go comatose.

Layout by Parziivale | Code by Aurorean