


1 year, 1 month ago



S H E / H E R




89 lbs









"Only the Moon knows where I hide my fears and at night, They like to remind me exactly why I buried them."

Kind-hearted and loyal, Notte is a stalwart friend and a devoted member to her pack. Recent events; however, have turned her world upside down and now she's unsure where her path lies. Will she be free of the ill-fate that awaits her and live without worry of Them? Or is she destined to succumb, doomed to always be watching her back and become what her mother feared?



Mira || She/Her || 29 || PST

✓ Google Docs (Prefered), Discord, Gore/Violence    ✗ NSFW, Sexual Assault, Incest, Torture









  • Singing
  • Hugs
  • Cuddles
  • Sun/Dawn
  • Cliffs
  • Small Flowers
  • Long Conversation
  • Blue & White Stones
  • Hunting Birds


  • Moon
  • Being Alone
  • Pranks/Sarcasm
  • Hangnails
  • Sass
  • Slugs & Snails

✦ ENFJ-A - The Protagonist - Lawful Good ✦


Compassionate | Sensitive | Methodical | Calm | Articulate | Dutiful

Notte, despite having a rather rough rearing, has a big heart and is very sympathetic and kind to others. She has also developed a keen ability to gently respond to the slightest changes in another's emotional state. This ability has aided her well in her past task as an iris when dealing with other packs and will hopefully prove useful in her new chosen task as an aspiring core. Notte also has a habit of approaching any work she does with a meticulous comb and always puts a hundred percent into any role or assignment she is given. She has a deep sense of duty and will do whatever is asked that adheres to the laws and betterment of the Tomb and the Omen.

Busy | Confidential | Maternal | Determined | Obedient | Folksy

Notte has a difficult time staying still. She is constantly working on something or multiple things at the same time. She is a busy, buzzy bee. Being raised in the Tomb, she is quite good at keeping whatever you tell her in confidence secret. However, when asked about her own feelings, she has a tendency to not really answer and keeps her own feelings to herself. She doesn't want to be a burden anyone. With that, she is highly maternal and with her little sister's location unknown, she has to direct it somewhere. Notte can sometimes be overly protective, but it stems from a place of love and a desire to nurture and show kindness when everyone shares a fate as hard as the wolvkin. She believes love, in almost any form, is something that everyone is entitled to.

Overly Empathetic | Dogmatic | Jealous | Meddlesome | Patronizing | Paranoid

If anyone needs someone to cry with you, it would be Notte. Notte is so highly in-tune with other's feelings that she can sometimes pick up on the negative feelings of another and it stays with her for some time even after the conversation. She dwells on it and internalizes the emotions to a degree that's not healthy. Notte is also very stalwart in the Tomb's belief system. If someone tries to challenge it, she may nicely listen, but she will never change her opinion. It has crafted her her whole life and that of her home. Due to her family background, she also has a tendency to be jealous of others when it seems they've found some measure of peace. Notte rarely feels she has the luxury to relax and can harbor ill-feelings sometimes to those who can. As such, she can sometimes come across as condescending when helping others. With her history, Notte is also very paranoid about the moon and the heavens. It's a constant fear that never goes away and smile as she might, it worries her to no end. As such, she can sometime be over-the-top in her approach to her task and how she chooses to work.




Notte's arrived in a night where the her mother could not hide from Them. Elara, Notte's mother, knew she should not have left to hunt that night, but she hungered and desired to learn more about the "other," as had been told to be. As a result, They watched Elara give birth to a single pup who had leapt from Their grasp. Elara, worried for what was to happen to her and her child born under Their evil gaze, decided that the best way to possibly break whatever curse the Moon would give was to name their daughter in honor of Them. Therefore, the name Notte, the place of Their celestial mantle, was given to her child. However, despite this attempt to render any harm the divine enemy of the Tomb could do, this paranoia would define Notte for the rest of her life.


As Notte grew into her juvenile years, her parents conceived another single pup and named her Ceylon. This time, Notte's mother made sure she was safe within her burrow, away from the moon, when she gave birth. Notte's parents were thrilled at the new arrival and treated her like a treasured stone, while treating Notte with a measured distance. This greatly hurt Notte's self-esteem. Time passed and her mother began having bouts of hysteria whenever the crescent moon was out and Notte was near by. She'd lash out with cruel words on her lips, like vipers, at Notte; calling her a watcher. At other times, Elara would cower in fear, begging Notte to grant her forgiveness for her sin. These large emotions and paranoia driven episodes would dissipate after a while, but it took a large toll on Notte and her family.

Fighting became a common presence in Notte's household, and Notte became the forced peacemaker. Sometimes, the fighting was between her and her mother, but mostly it was between her parents. One night, when her mother was of clearer mind, Notte overheard her father and mother bickering and discovered that their melding had been a birthright. Both had been forced into something out of duty. This new information added to the drama that was constant in her home. Her father began staying out later, involving himself deeper with his work. And Ceylon, despite being a treasured child, was becoming neglected in the absence of the parents. Notte, feeling bad about what was happening to her family, stepped up and took a primary role in caring for her little sister. The two soon became each other's best friend in a home filled with strife, fear, and anger. And Notte gave everything she could to her sister to not allow herself to dwell on the fear and anger that felt directed at her at home.

Was it all her fault for the troubles that besieged their home?


Home soon became a shell of a family. Mother and father rarely were home at the same time and her mother's paranoia grew. "The Great Ones are always watching," she would say directly at Notte. "You must please them. Keep them close. Find a way." The anger in her mother's voice disappeared and it became more laced with fear. "No! Don't look at me! Don't touch me!"

Notte cried herself to sleep often. And the paranoia that was growing in her mother was equally growing in her own heart.

Soon, Notte's mother passed away and willingly chose to give in. Elara truly believed she was doomed. This shook Notte to her core. She loved her mother, she also despised her mother, but she also feared all the words her mother threw at her. Were they true? Were they not? Notte had kept her eyes peeled on Them. Watching. Pleasing Them as much as she could. Would it ever be enough? Would she follow the same fate?


This desire to find an answer and to create her own path fueled her, especially since there was an increase of rumors and lights being spotted. She had to figure this out and maybe the answer laid out there. So she held on to this hope and tried to bury her ever growing fear. She would help her pack secretly fight against Them. Notte had to. She and her family needed to sever the Dust. The connection between Them and her dear ones needed to be gone.


Time passed and despite her dutiful and persistent efforts, Notte was not getting any closer to finding an answer that calmed the tumultuous storms in her own heart. And in fact, more and more flame-irises were disappearing which increased the paranoia she felt with Them. Were They behind this? Were They killing them off as they older irises were getting closer to finding a way to rid of the Dust? Or worse...had the flame-irises found answers and chosen not to return to their wolkin?

Then the Omen did not return. And in his disappearance, the mountain shook and the tunnels which Notte had so often trailed and very rarely helped build with a Flame, were reduced to nothing. This was no mistake by Them. It was deliberate. She looked at the heavens with a neutral mask, but a fiery anger was hidden behind it. All of their treasured and valuable archives were lost. Knowledge lost and discoveries hidden. But maybe, the worst of it all was the guilt and loss of her sister, Ceylon. Notte had watched as Ceylon was left with a crippling injury in the mountain's fall. Notte tried to carry her out, but it was too much and the rocks continued to fall around them. Ceylon, with the last of her strength, pushed off of Notte, which propelled Notte forward to safety and Ceylon into the darkness.

Once the mountain finally settled, Notte tried to dig her beloved sister back out after the earth, but she could not find her or her father. She was alone with only a small flame of hope in her heart that they had survived.

With the new Omen chosen, half of the pack gone, and the archive lost, Notte decided running to find the answers...or maybe secretly running from her own problems, was done. She would stick close to home, her pack. Notte would care for the sick, care for those who needed guidance. Maybe even find answers to her own questions and those questions still hidden in the shadows of her beloved pack.

Now the Tomb looked toward new lands, as decided by Omen Feldspar. Maybe in the course of their dangerous travels, she could discover more answers about Dust and The Great Ones. Use the damage They bestowed to her and her the Tomb's advantage. While traveling, new faces have begun to merge with them, quietly joining their ranks. Strangers. Notte was not unfamiliar to meeting new outside wolves, as per her old task, but the fact they were integrating into the pack made her nervous and slightly worried. Regardless, she now watched them with careful eyes and sealed lips...for now. Who knows. Maybe all this change and new faces would be of benefit.


  • Rarely frowns. Notte is smiling most of the time, but the smiles do vary and can mean lots of things.
  • Notte is a crier. If someone cries, she cries.
  • When sleeping, she likes to nuzzle her nose in her tail.
  • If she's not busy learning how to be a core, Nono enjoys a good run or a game of chase.
  • She'll never admit this, but her tickle spot is right under her jaw line.


Name Here [ relationship ]

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Name Here [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Name Here [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.