COMM INFO's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Lovenovaz Global Rules

1. No refunds can be given after purchase

2. You may only sell a design you bought from me for a higher price if more art has been added, if no new art is added you may only sell it for a price lower or equal to the original value it was obtained for

3. If you got one of my designs for free or in a trade you may retrade or regift it but you may only sell it unless more art has been added

4.  Changes to the design are allowed as long as the character is still recognizable

5. Do not make any edits to my original artwork without my permission, if you would like to make any changes please contact me first about it and what it is, in most cases i will still have the original file and can do it for you

6. My designs do not come with any type of commercial use, if you would like to use them for merchandise or anything similar please contact me beforehand so we can discuss a price for the commercial rights, if it is found one of my designs is being commercialized without my consent 70% of the profits will be given to me as compensation

7. You may not profit out of my original artwork, even if you have the commercial rights for the design i will still keep rights to my art of the character and it cannot be used in merchandise or sold anywhere

8. If you don't have the commercial rights for a design you may still commission others for plushies or real life items of said design as long as they aren't being made with the intent of being resold

9. You may not make or commission pornographic work of any character i have designed that is or resembles a child, feral animal or pokemon unless the character has been redesigned to the point it no longer resemble those aspects, is at least 18 years old and able to consent

10.  You may not co-own my designs

11. Do not use my designs for anything with the intention or creating harmful or hateful content

12. Making NFTs or feeding my art to an AI is strictly prohibited and will result into an immediate blacklististing and having to pay me back 100% of the character's current price

By owning one of my designs you are confirming you agree to these terms and that you accept any punishment that may come if its found you have violated one of them