


1 year, 1 month ago




Name Ollie
ID pansexual
Age 19
Gender genderfluid (he/she/they)
Species Inkling
Weapon Dualie Squelchers
Team Drop Off
Theme Song link


  • laid back
  • energetic
  • easily embarassed


  • skateboarding
  • competition
  • small groups

Ollie is a laid back inkling who goes with the flow. They prefer to let things play out, not too concerned with making huge plans or schedules. He rolls at his own pace and let others take the wheel. He only ever makes choices if it’s something he absolutely wants to do. Even if he is more laid back than most of the team, he is arguably one of the most energetic, and as a result can’t sit still. She also tends to take on some form of leadership, and will act like she knows everything even if she really has no clue. While he is socially competent, he often has issues talking to certain people he likes, and can get flustered pretty easily as a result. While he will never admit it, even to himself, he can be pretty romantic.


Ollie had grown up being taught not to judge others by first impressions. This has resulted in her being extremely open to those around, especially her first friend DJ. She would often hangout with him as their mothers were already good friends and would have them play while they talked. Ollie has extended the pair to a group of four, with Veronica and Sloane since they were often outcasts and giving them a chance to show the good in them.

Ollie was the first to convince the friend group to join the turf league. It took a lot of convincing, but they agreed but wanted to practice and be somewhat experienced before jumping right into it blind. Ollie spent time practicing with the team or by himself. While he wasn’t the first to master his Dualie Squelchers, he is so slouch either. Ollie was obviously the most excited to start the league, and yet still passed on the captain role to Sloane. He felt leadership was not his strong suit and felt Sloane was secretly the strongest leader of them all. However, he was the one to come up with their team name, “Drop Off.”

During this time, Ollie also had spotted someone on an opposing team, a young energetic girl named Bri. At that moment all of her friends knew she found a new crush. Though this one was much stronger than any other crushes she had at a younger age. She quickly found herself getting lost in thoughts with date scenarios, and getting quickly nervous and tense around Bri whenever she was nearby. Ollie’s friends try to convince her to make a move, but she either refuses ro backs out at the last minute.

In-Game Gear

Backwards cap, Red Hula Punk, Red Hi-tops. skin 3, pink iris, bed-head, classic brows, tight capri sweatpants


  • Ollie has a small pin used for whatever pronouns they are feeling that day.
  • He has a collection of different caps. Yet he only wears the same one.
  • She will often dream up scenarios pretty easily, especially romantic ones.
  • On days he can’t be active, he often plays video games to stave off the competition itch.
  • She can sometimes struggle to pick up on themes in movies or books and will go right over her head.



DJ [ childhood friends ]

Ollie and DJ have a strong friendship. He feels strong bonds with everyone on the team, he has the strongest connection with DJ. The two have been close before they can even remember, and as a result there’s nothing the two don’t know about each other. DJ is also his wingman when trying to get Ollie to talk to Bri.


Veronica [ childhood friends ]

Ollie often lets Veronica do what she wants. Even if it’s something he doesn’t always agree with. He knows she tends not to listen to anyone's advice anyway most of the time and as a result, he stays in his own lane. He does see the good in Veronica, and knows she is a friend who cares deep down, so he keeps her around and on good terms


Sloane [ childhood friends ]

Ollie often tries to look after Sloane quite a bit. Ever since they have gained a following of unwanted fans, Sloane has been much more stressed out, and Ollie tries what she knows to help them calm down. He knows how sensitive to others opinions they can be and wants to help, though finds it confusing when they do it by spending time alone.


Bri [ crush ]

Ollie has a giant and obvious crush on Bri. Despite how obvious it is, she still thinks it is a huge secret only her team knows about. She often daydreams about dates to parks, or the movies or just small things like holding hands. Despite all of this, she has never truly spoken a full word to her before. Maybe one day she will overcome her fear.