Kaito Azuki



1 year, 4 months ago


Base: Fubuki Sumie

Name: Kaito Azuki




11 (Turbo)

12 (Rise)

13-14 (Surge)

Doesn't appear in QuadDrive 

15-16 in Quadstrike


Kaito is a young boy who grew up in the countryside, he was quite popular in his school, but there wasn't anyone he could really connect with, until he met Aiger, and they became best friends instantly, but it was short lived, as Aiger moved away without warning to go to Beigoma after he had aquired Achilles, Kaito felt incredibly hurt for a couple of days,  wondering why he left, as he thought he found someone he could be best friends with, and it stung when he left with no explanation, soon enough though, he decided to stop sulking and go to Beigoma himself and ask him, when he was there, he came to realize... He didn't know where he was, and he wandered aimlessly, until he ran into the wild bey gang, he fought against their leader, Ranjiro, and it was a tough match, but Kaito came out on top, he and Ranjiro later became good friends and would go out for food together.

When he saw Aiger again, it felt strange.. Aiger was different, he was a blader now, and somehow more smug than before, he asked for an explanation, and Aiger just said that he needed to go to Beigoma to get better at blading, Kaito was a little stung but he understood.. 

He began to train with the wild bey gang and got even better than before, and he planned to enter tournaments.

He wasn't able to go on the battleship cruise, so he watched and cheered for Aiger and Ranjiro, but couldn't help but get a bad feeling about a man on the cruise, a man who called himself Phi..

After the battleship cruise, Kaito and Aiger got close again, and it felt like their friendship was back on track, until Aiger started acting strange, and was lashing out at everyone, even him and Ranjiro

It didn't take long for Kaito to put the pieces together and learn that Phi more than likely had something to do with this, so he seeked out the man, and challenged him, demanding information if he won, Phi agreed, and the battle was broadcasted live on television.

Kaito lost the battle, and leaving the stadium with a broken bey and a pending hospital visit, as his arm got broken, Ranjiro and Aiger accompanied him to the hospital, before they had to get going to Dread Tower, Kaito watched the show while it was on air, knowing he probably wasn't going to blade again.

He spent the final episodes of Turbo in a hospital bed, getting visits from his big brother, Ben Azuki, and of course Ranjiro and Aiger, and Aiger apologized to Kaito for everything, and Kaito accepted, and said that he'd be watching Aigers battle against Valt.

And he did, and he was happy that Aiger won and was now champion.




Ben Azuki: 

Ben is Kaitos older brother, while they don't interact as much as they used to, the pair are still incredibly close, and always hang out and train together.

Aiger Akabane: 

Jay Yusako:

Victoria Fujisaki:

Ranjiro Kiyama: 

Nika Aoi: 


Arthur Peregrine:

Aurora Evergarden: 

Delilah Solace: