


1 year, 21 days ago


if you think i'm weaker than you, then you're making a mistake, and if you think im going to back down, then you're a fool.


Wilhelm is the third prince of the Royal Family. The Royal families often share a certain circle of sponsors and receive similar elemental powers. However, at 18, Wil still hasn't recieved a sponsor. The combination of being the third prince and then not recieving a gift he was often neglected as a child.

Long hair is a bit of a status symbol as only people with powerful sponsors and gifts can maintain such a large weakness. Although Wil doesn't have a gift, he maintains his long hair as it isn't well known that he doesn't have a gift.

Despite not having a gift, or maybe because of it, Wil is loud, passionate, and a bit of a flirt. Although he has never had a relationship because he relentlessly flirts with people at balls and gatherings he has garnered a certain reputation. He initially hates Theo because he knows his older brother thinks he's weak and needs protection and was also jealous of Theo's powerful sponsor.


Every single god that humans have ever believed in exists. They have long since retreated from the human realm but they still observe us, as humans are their entertainment. Gods will sponsor humans that they think are strong or hold particular entertainment value. Most people receive their sponsor by the time they are 16. Almost all sponsors are nameless, long-forgotten deities. Gods that you know by name (think Zeus) rarely sponsor humans, although it happens occasionally.

Sponsors give "gifts" to the people they sponsor and people who have a sponsor are marked by star-shaped scars. These scars are normally on the face as Gods are often prideful and want to leave their mark in easily visible places, but they can be anywhere. These gifts can be elemental, transformative, emitter, or manipulative (mental or physical).

Elemental powers tend to only be given to the royal families. There are four royal families and each of the royal families tends to have gifts that are focused on the four elemental powers (water, air, fire, and earth).

Design notes

Honestly I keep changing how I want Wil's hair to be drawn so do whatever!! As long as it's longer than shoulder length! I've had him with a ponytail, braided, shoulderlength, seriously do whatever and keep it dramatic and fun!!

Wil is pretty lean, even though he was restricted from physical training by his brother he learned on his own in secret and is decent in swordsmanship and hand to hand combat. His eyes are a grey-ish blue.


Wilhelm (Wil)
Third Prince
Sponsor Status Not Available


  • horse-back riding
  • the rain
  • reading


  • his eldest brother
  • people who think he's weak
  • being underestimated


  • rose, lotus, and crysanthenum
  • stars, red string of fate, blood moon
  • the sun




Wil hates Theo at first, because he represents the fact that his parents think he is weak and needs protection and his powers are incredibly strong. However, they grow to be very close. One day they are ambushed by a group of bandits and Wil throws himself between a bandit's sword and Theo.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In luctus orci et lectus hendrerit gravida. Fusce at risus at purus dictum venenatis a vel enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis placerat massa nulla, vitae dapibus dui pulvinar quis.
  • Pellentesque enim purus, maximus vel scelerisque ut, dapibus nec est. Etiam hendrerit posuere interdum. Cras sodales maximus enim et hendrerit. Nam id tempus lacus.
  • Phasellus finibus iaculis magna. Etiam magna nunc, ultricies placerat purus vel, elementum molestie ex. Vivamus in ultricies neque, sit amet aliquam mauris. Pellentesque eu dui augue. Nulla consectetur, nunc vitae aliquet faucibus, ipsum erat lacinia lectus, non porttitor sapien purus nec nisl. Aliquam sodales orci eu dolor lacinia porta.